与时俱进 再创辉煌 全面推进水土保持生态建设

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近年来,拜泉县水务局提出了以水土保持为主旋律的生态农业发展战略,在多年的建设实践中,始终坚持以建设高效生态农业为中心,以“百库千塘万眼井”工程建设为重点,以建设小兴安岭脚下的“千湖王国”为目的,做好“水利第一”的文章,强力推进水土保持生态建设。水利工程建设取得了显著成效。2002年全县新增水土流失治理面积15万亩,其中新修梯田4万亩,改垅3.8万亩,种植物带2.4万亩,治理侵蚀沟1010条1.2万亩,营造水保林3.6万亩。全年共完成土方420万立米,投工210万个,我们的主要做法是:一、立足县情,统一思想,形成共识,唱响水土保持生态建设主旋律我县是以种植业生产为主的传统农业大县,在制约农业和农村经济发展的诸多因素中,水土流失一直是主要因素之一。活生生的现实表明:水是我县的立县之本,拜泉劣势在水、但潜力在水、希望在水、发展也在水。基于这 In recent years, Baiquan County Water Affairs Bureau put forward the development strategy of eco-agriculture taking water and soil conservation as the main theme. In many years of construction practice, we always adhere to the construction of highly efficient eco-agriculture as the center and “one hundred thousand ponds and thousands of wells” Project construction as the focus, in order to build the foot of the Xiaoxinganling “Thousands of lakes Kingdom ” for the purpose of doing a good job “water conservancy first ” article, vigorously promote soil and water conservation ecological construction. Water conservancy construction has achieved remarkable results. In 2002, the total area of ​​newly-added soil and water loss control in the county was 150,000 mu, including 40,000 mu of newly-built terraces, 38,000 mu of land, 24,000 mu of plant species, and 12,000 mu of erosion control ditches and 36,000 mu of water and soil protection forests mu. We completed a total of 4.2 million cubic meters of earthwork and 2.1 million pieces of construction work during the year. Our main approaches are as follows: 1. Based on the situation of the county, we unite our thinking, form a consensus and sing the main theme of soil and water conservation and ecological construction. In agricultural counties, soil erosion has always been one of the major factors that have constrained agricultural and rural economic development. Living reality shows that: Water is the county of our county, Benquan inferior in water, but the potential in the water, hope in the water, the development is also in the water. Based on this
何文华CHIP《新电脑》评测编辑、记者自2001年加入CHIP《新电脑》编辑部至今一直从事专业的显示器评测工作,对业内产业发展和技术细节非常熟悉。经过评测,我认为FP241W Z在应
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夜深人静,翻看通讯录,曾经无话不谈的朋友一个个都变成最熟悉的陌生人,感叹活了半辈子,知己好友所剩寥寥。  友微我:忙吗?我回:忙呢。  其实我正躺在沙发上休息,上班在电脑前坐了一天,累得分分钟要失明的节奏。回到家,换了衣服,把自己扔进沙发里,闭目养神。友此时找我,不问我便知她要说啥,无非是婆媳之间、夫妻之间那些剪不断理还乱的车轱辘话,一旦和她接上茬儿,保证聊半天也不断片儿。  友几次找我,我都在“