On the resonance between Contemporary Minimalism and Chinese painting freehand spirit culture

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  Abstract: Minimalism is a design style that is simple and neat in sense, and more elegant in taste and style. Minimalism is an art school that has been the basic criterion of modern design. Gradually develop into a lifestyle or decoration style. Its purpose is to highlight the main contents and become the focus. Minimalist design will give people room for free imagination, and that is, people return to peace and mind to bring back the truth. "Less is more" is the basic principle of minimalism. It is easy to associate with Chinese traditional aesthetics and philosophy, especially the freehand spirit of Chinese painting. The most artistic part of classical Chinese painting is not painted scroll, but rather a large blank.
  Key words:Chinese painting, the spirit of freehand brushwork, minimalism, with less wins.
  The Tao Te Jing says: "The beginning of everything, the road to the simplest, has evolved to the complex." The meaning of life is not to be complicated and changeable, but to be simple and simple. To Jane is not only the beauty of vision, but also a kind of ability and spiritual realm. People are often bound by fame and fortune, material desires, and simple to simple life philosophy is the best way to resist superficiality and impetuosity. Chinese painting adheres to the traditional Chinese culture classic concept of "harmony between man and nature".
  1. Emotional resonance
  Minimalism has become the mainstream art style. It can be seen from architectural design, graphic design to literary creation, music creation and even the way of life. Western religion attaches importance to religious beliefs, and religious ideas have a profound influence on the western people. Christianity advocates the concept of abstinence and simplicity of life, the requirement of the church is very low, and the architecture emphasizes the rhythmic sense of line, the sense of quantity, the sense of space and the rich and changing stereoscopic sense, and the religious atmosphere of the sacred, silent and tranquil. This is the practice of Luce's famous saying: "decoration is evil." Many times, when we are not aware of it, we are deeply attracted by minimalist works. Minimalist design works are highly recognized today. All kinds of information and material moments in our social environment are now filled with our lives and thinking, it is easy to make people feel bored and noisy, and hope to get a bit of space for rest. More hope things become simple and clear.   The way to express artistic conception in Chinese painting is not perfect brushwork, but rather a few freehand brushwork. The relationship between the virtual and the real in freehand brushwork is the main way to express the artistic conception. Lao Tzu said that "there is good to think good, nothing to use", and "have" and "real" "no" and "empty" corresponding, more can highlight the expression of the writer's painting spirit. Therefore, "no painting is a wonderful place". If there is no "Qi" in the "void" and "no", it can not be vivid. Then it is absolutely impossible to become a wonderland. The most artistic part of classical Chinese painting is not painted scroll, but rather a large blank. In the blank space, we can give viewers the imagination and space to restore the scene. Minimalism is just like this. It coincides with the artistic conception of traditional Chinese painting. Although it is simple, it is not simple.
  2.The wonderful work of the expression method
  Since mid twentieth Century, Mies van der Rowe put forward the concept of "less is more", which has affected all aspects of our lives. Behind the "Minimalism" is no longer a mere slogan, but a concept of life. Smith van der rode's "less is more", and Chinese painting freehand spirit of the leisurely and leisurely spread of love is different, and the Germans to treat things rigor and rational. The characteristics of his architectural art are: building structure as the main body, but not limited by structure. Mies Rohe taught his students "I hope you can understand that architecture has nothing to do with the creation of form." We can not create the form solely for the sake of architectural form, but form the supplement of structure and form. Its architectural works are concise and capable, with almost no decoration.
  3.To the impact of the concept of Jane's influence on later generations
  With the development of the times, all kinds of material information are constantly being introduced, new styles and cool features. And media advertisements are all over the world and all kinds of information fill our lives. This leads to the possession of some people just for their possession, not just wasting time and money, but also causing waste of goods. In particular, the popularity of smart phones, the brush circle of friends to see micro-blog has become a regular routine for most young people, every day to spend a lot of time to brush on micro-blog, and chat with users. Too much fragmentation of information makes our life more impetuous, as the development of science and technology, our time is not enough.
  Conclusion: Minimalism can become the mainstream and the embodiment of modern people's psychological quality. More energy and time should be spent on matters that they really care about. In terms of interpersonal relationships, abandoning the so-called circle philosophy and putting more time and energy on our closest relatives and friends not to make our family a stranger. From everyday objects, address poor Shanzhai products, from daily necessities to start their own mind, improve the quality of life from the diet. Contemporary minimalism is an excellent example of inheriting and developing the tradition.
摘要:《雷雨》中的每一个人物的形象都很鲜明,每一个人物都有着强烈的个性。它以1923年左右的动荡的中国社会为社会背景,描写了当时有着封建思想的资本主义家的生活悲剧。其中周朴园是《雷雨》中的主要人物,他是一个留学德国,接受过资产阶级教育的资本家。本文从周朴园的人物介绍开始,以明星版话剧《雷雨》中达式常饰演的周朴园为主要线索,分析和了解周朴园这个人的人物形象和性格特征。  关键词:《雷雨》;曹禺;周朴
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