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说袁隆平创造的财富比微软还多,绝非虚言。现在仅中国就已有2.2亿亩稻田种植了袁隆平培育的杂交稻,其粮食总产量占全国稻米产量的90%以上。 但就是这位举世闻名的“杂交水稻之父”却在盛名之下遭遇着许多难言的无奈和悲哀:两次申请院士未被评上,原因是有人提出了三条理由:袁隆平的英文不行、学历是中专毕业生、没有论文发表。可事实上,袁隆平的母亲是教会学校的老师,他的英文从小就很好;袁隆平是新中国第一批西南农学院的大学生;而他的论文甚至获得了国家图书奖。其实这些莫名其妙的理由提出的根据很荒谬——仅仅是因为袁隆平一直在农村教书。而他们认为,一个长期生活在农村的人是不会精通外文、具备高学历、有才能的。 That Yuan Longping created more wealth than Microsoft, not by mistake. At present, only 220 million mu of paddy fields have been planted in China alone. Hybrid rice cultivated by Yuan Longping accounts for more than 90% of the total grain output in the country. However, the world-famous “father of hybrid rice” has met with many unspeakable frustrations and sorrows under the prestigious name: The two applications for academicians have not been rated because someone has put forward three reasons: Yuan Longping’s English can not, Degree is secondary school graduates, no papers published. In fact, Yuan Longping’s mother is a teacher in a school of the school, and his English has been very good since he was a child. Yuan Longping was a college student of the first batch of Southwest Agricultural College in New China. His thesis even won the National Book Award. In fact, the reasons given by these inexplicable grounds are absurd - just because Yuan Longping has been teaching in the countryside. And they think that a man who lives in the countryside for a long time is not proficient in foreign languages, highly educated and talented.
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目的 探索促血小板生成素 (Thrombopoietin ,TPO)分子间相互作用及其存在位置。方法 构建了含有不同TPO区段的酵母双杂交系统融合表达质粒 ,转化酵母菌SFY5 2 6 ,分析 β
[目的]探讨幽门螺杆菌(Helicobacter pylori,Hp)对体外培养胃上皮细胞的增殖与凋亡作用。[方法]6种浓度Hp标准株NCTC11637分别感染SGC-7901细胞,观察细胞形态,测定增殖细胞核
目的研究裂殖子表面抗原2 (merozoite surface antigen 2,MSA2)基因重组BCG疫苗的保护作用. 方法采用电穿孔转化法将重组质粒pBCG/MSA2导入耻垢分枝杆菌(M.smegmatis)mc2 155中,通过卡那霉素抗性筛选并经PCR鉴定的重组M.smegmatis mc2 155培养于middlebrook 7H9 broth (M7H9) 培养基,并添加10% M
课间。  王小瞧在教室里和周小周、张敢、金多、胡豆他们追闹着玩。王小瞧突然感到有一个什么小东西迎面飞来,打了一下眉头,然后眼睛里感觉好像进了什么东西,痛痛辣辣。  “你们——你——”王小瞧用手捂住痛眼睛,用另一只眼睛狠狠地扫了周小周、张敢、金多、胡豆他们一遍,最后只盯着周小周看,“真是太坏,玩就玩嘛,为什么要用暗器伤我?”  周小周突然被王小瞧这么一吼,呆了呆,没反应过来发生什么事。  “真会装呀