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有关伽*音乐的史料更是贫乏得可怜,《三国史记》新罗本记及乐记中都无有关嘉实(嘉悉)王生卒年代的明确记载,因此有一种观点认为假设受嘉实王所命创作乐曲的于勤生存于新罗国真兴王时代,那么,可能略后于荷知王;另一种观点则认为尽管很多人认为嘉实王是金官加罗的王名之一,但却并无相当于此的王名,根据与于勒之关系看做金官国以外的另外一国之王名反而更合乎逻辑。一、文化史的背景位于洛东江下游的弁韩十二国社会与后来的百济、新罗无关,独自形成自己的文化圈。在《三国志》,魏志的东夷传中可以看到当时存在过的十多个小国的国名,但现在还可辨明其确切位置的只有狗邪国(现在的金海)、 There is no clear record about the age of birth and death of Harvest (Karthom) in the records of Shilla and the Notes of the Three Kingdoms. Therefore, there is a view that the hypothesis is that Harvest King Yu Qin lives in the creation of Silla Xinguo Wang Xinluo period, then, may be slightly later known to the Dutch; the other point of view is that although many people think that Harvest Wang is one of the official names of the King of Guanghua, but there is no equivalent It is more logical for the royal name here to be regarded as the royal name of another kingdom other than the official state according to his relationship with Ulleva. First, the background of cultural history Located in the lower reaches of the Lower East China Sea, Han and South Korea 12 countries and subsequent Baekje, Silla has nothing to do, alone to form their own cultural circle. In the Book of Three Kingdoms, we can see the names of more than a dozen small countries that existed at that time in Dong Yi Biography of Wei Zhi, but it is now possible to discern the exact location of the dog’s evil state (the present Gimhae)
本文首次报道一例用锂制剂作术前准备、术后暴发甲状腺危象的病例,作者提醒人们术前单用锂作准备时应注意此并发症的发生。病例报告 D、N为18岁,女性,因患严重甲状腺中毒症
胆囊收缩素 (cholecystokinin ,CCK)是 192 8年由美国学者Ivy和Oldberg发现并命名的一种能引起胆囊收缩的胃肠道多肽激素。随后其结构和胃肠道功能不断被阐明 ,2 0世纪70年代以来发现 ,CCK还广泛存在于中枢及
Bepridil 盐酸盐是一种钙离子拮抗剂,首先在法国制成并用于治疗心绞痛患者。该药与其它钙离子拮抗剂在结构上及药物动力学特征上均不同。Bepridil 与其它三种钙离子拮抗剂(
盐酸氟苯桂嗪(flunarizine hydrochloride)是一种具有脑动脉扩张作用的钙拮抗剂。广泛用于治疗脑梗塞后遗症、脑出血后遗症、脑动脉硬化等。对偏头痛和各种原因所致的眩晕也
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