
来源 :军事历史研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:freshgrandpa
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本文系统考察了中法战争期间清政府对法斗争方略的演变。文章认为 ,自 1 881年 1 2月总理衙门上对法“豫筹办法”奏折起 ,至 1 882年 1 0月清政府获悉“法越和约”条约内容止的近一年内 ,清政府以“保护越境”、“屏蔽吾国”为目标 ,外交强硬、军事威慑并用 ,企图达成“消弭衅端”之结局。自 1 883年 1 0月清政府获悉“法越和约”内容后发出上谕起 ,至 1 884年 8月法海军突击福建水师止的 1 0个月间 ,清政府以“保境息民”为目标 ,军事上 ,越境抗击 ,中土守御 ;外交上 ,以“不损国体 ,不贻后患”为原则对法交涉 ,企图达成“保全和局”之结局。自 1 884年 8月下旬清政府对法宣战起 ,至 1 885年 8月清政府发出“和局既定”、“通谕中外”上谕止的一年里 ,清政府以“保全疆土”为目标 ,军事上 ,中国沿海反击 ,越境陆路进攻 ;外交上 ,以不赔款为原则对法交涉。最后 ,军事上实施“乘胜即收”方针 ,外交上进行和谈 ,达成了“弃藩保台”之结局。 This article examines systematically the evolution of the Qing government’s strategy of fighting against France during the Sino-French war. According to the article, within a year or so since the Qing government learned about the treaty of “law of Vietnam and Vietnam” in January, 1882, the Qing government took the initiative of “ Protecting the Border Crossing, ”“ Shielding Our Country. ”As a goal, diplomatic and hard-line military deterrence is used in an attempt to reach the conclusion of“ eliminating defilement and provocation. ” Since January 1, 1883, when the Qing government was informed of the contents of the “Treaty of Faith and Yue”, it was circulated to the Central Government. By August 1884, during the 10-month period when the French navy attacked the Fujian navy, the Qing government took “ As the goal, the military, cross-border fight against Turkey, defending the Middle Kingdom; diplomacy, ”without prejudice to the country, not suffering from after-suffering“ as the principle of law and negotiation, in an attempt to reach a ”preservation and Council“ outcome. Since the Qing government declared war on France from late August 1884 to August 1885, in the year of Qing government’s issuance of ”the establishment of a peace agreement“ and ”encyclical order“, the Qing government took ”preserving the territory“ as Objectives: On the military, the Chinese coast counterattacks and cross-border land-based offenses; on the diplomatic front, they dealt with the law without compensation. Finally, the military implemented the principle of ”winning by winning the favor and receiving revenue,“ conducted diplomatic negotiations and reached the conclusion of ”abandoning Fan Bao Taibai".
人一生中会遇到许多类型的朋友,有指路型、默契型、互助型、倾听型等。  不同时期,不同人在朋友的选择上也是不同的。  如果是个初出茅庐、没有什么社会阅历的年轻人,指路型的朋友适合他;如果是想合伙做一番事业的人,默契型的朋友肯定是他的首选;如果是想找个分担痛苦失意的人或者有强烈表达欲望的人,他们需要倾听型的朋友;如果是价值观已成熟、事业稳定的人,则会选择互助型的朋友。这跟年龄和经历有关系。  我现在更
“五·四”运动的历史意义在于她在中国的历史上起着重要的、若干个转折点的作用。“五·四”运动是伟大的反帝爱国主义运动 ,也是伟大的思想解放运动 ,她使得中国共产党领导
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盛氏《皇朝经世文续编》的主要纂辑者并不是盛康、盛宣怀父子 ,而是缪荃孙 ;负责删定、增补与校勘者则是汪洵。“盛编”的纂辑、刻成时间也不同于一般所说 ,盛氏父子在序言中