On Differences between Chinese and Western Table Manners College of Foreign Languages Hebei North Un

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  【Abstract】At the time of bidding for 2022 winter Olympics, China may invite the world to visit.For entertaining foreign guests more attention should be drawn to the differences between Chinese and western table manners.Understaning the differences is of great help to achieve success in cross-cultural communication.
  【Key words】Chinese; western; table manners; differences
  At the time of bidding for 2022 winter Olympics,China may have more cultural communications with the world.Table manners are important components of national culture,for dinning is a channal of aquiring more information,broadening horizon and expanding social circle.Understanding differences between Chinese and western table manners can be a great help to achieve cross-cultural communication.Then what are the differences ?
  Different Dressing for Dinner
  Dressing is a part of the table manners.Chinese often dress casual for dinner,some,even with t-shirts or jeans.Only on some very important occasions like festivals,weddings,funerals or parties,can they dress up,wearing suits,skirts or some formal wears.But westerners have the common sense to be well dressed when having a meal.In a decent restaurant,men must wear clean jacket and shoes; women suits and heels.If specified formal clothes,men have to wear a tie,you can not go to the restaurant for dinner underdressed.
  Different Dining Atmosphere
  Chinese people like sitting around sharing food and drink like a big happy family,especially in the feast or celebration.During the whole meal everyone keeps talking,drinking,eating,laughing loudly,and they enjoy the noisy atmosphere,which reflects the guests’ happiness and the noise is a symbol of harmony,in their mind,the noisier the better.
  Westerners like individual serving.Everyone orders his own food and drinks his own wine to avoid imposing his will on others.Some are very particular about life details,nobody uses his own fork to get food for others.When they see Chinese hospitable host and hostess get food for others with their own chopsticks,they think it’s unhygienic.Westerners often ask others to pass some food to them if they can’t reach it.Stretching out or standing up to get food is bad table manner.They chew with mouth closed and won’t make noises when eating and drinking soup,they talk quietly keeping the voice only being heard.So Western table atmosphere is quiet,even romantic.
  Different Arrangement of Seats at Table   There is a strict rule in China when arranging seats at a round table.The honor seat opposite to the door is for chief guests or elders; the seats beside for the second honor guests; the inferior seats opposite the honor for the host and hostess.So before a banquet host and hostess won’t sit down before the chief guest and the second honor guests have taken their seats.
  While it’s different for westerners to arrange seats at table,long rectangular table is their pereference when entertaining friends.The host and the hostess sit down at both end of the table,the chief guest sits at the upper right side of the hostess,and his wife sits at the upper right of the host.Right is honor and left is secondary in the west,which is exactly opposite to the Chinese.
  Different Tablewares
  For tablewares,Chinese people often use chopsticks, spoon,bowl and small dish.Chopsticks are used to help Chinese to almost everything except soup.It is a bad manner to point others with chopsticks or put them upright in the rice bowl.Spoon is used to scoope food or to assist chopsticks picking food in big size.It’s impolite to scoop a full spoon of food at one time or put the spoon into mouth,or lick the spoon again and again.
  Westerners use many table wares shch as knives, forks,spoons,glass and napkin.Knife is used to cut food and fork to carry food into mouth.Left knife and right fork are put in the way of Chinese character “八”.Soup spoon is always put on the outermost right side.Chinese think knife and fork are so complicated to use,but it’s more difficult for westerners to handle chopsticks.
  Differences between Chinese and Western table manners are distinct,neither is better or worse and each has its own advantages.The important thing is to understand the differences so as to improve intercultural communication and assist the Olympic bid.
  作者简介:孙耕梅,(1966.8),女,河北北方学院副教授, 硕士,从事英语教学和英语语言文学研究。
安德烈普拉东诺维奇普拉东诺夫(АндрейПлатонович Платонов,1899—1951),是20世纪俄罗斯文坛上一位重要而独特的作家。一生命运坎坷,长期遭受政治迫害,干过学徒、工人、农艺师、土壤改良专家、特约记者、政府官员和清洁工等,作家是其终身热爱的职业;创作类型丰富,写过科技专著和论文,发表过政论文、诗歌、小说、戏剧、文学评论和新闻报道等,小说是其最高艺术成就。代表作有长篇小说《
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【摘要】人类的进步离不开语言的发展与研究。而档案作为社会活动的活化石,是在特定社会背景的影响下产生的,尤其它受到语言文化各领域深刻的制约作用。根据语言在某个具体的时期对档案文化影响进行细致研究,我们就能深入理解档案文化特性的真正深层结构。本文通过对秦皇岛耀华玻璃厂民国时期外文董事会档案整理与分析,深刻理解到中国文化中所使用的档案语言的独特的要求和功能,对完善档案文化价值有极强的促进作用。  【关键
亲爱的小读者和爸爸妈妈们,大家好!作为一本亲子共读的分享类杂志,编辑们经常会遇到大人们提出一些亲子阅读中的问题,这里我们引进当代家庭教育标志性人物、北京师范大学教育硕士尹建莉老师的关于“让孩子爱上阅读”的一些思想,与大家分享。希望对大家有所帮助,也盼望着有更多家长把你们的想法、做法发在群里,让大家有一个共同交流、共同成长的机会!  “让孩子爱上阅读,教育就成功了一半”  “语文是各科的底蕴,阅读是
有一个男孩叫小彬,8岁时迷上了机器人。  那是在上课的时候,老师讲了一个机器人的故事。这个机器人是人造出来的,它可以像人那样做动作、对话,还可以进行模仿式的学习。于是,它帮助人们做了许多事。后来它有了超越人类的大量经验和智慧,就逃出了人类的控制,成了大危险和大麻烦。人类费了好大劲才逮住了它,最后将它毁灭了。  同龄孩子们对这样的故事都很好奇,追问故事里一些有趣的或奇怪的细节,就像对待一个童话故事,
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【Abstract】English becomes more and more popular in China.And the China’s national education department has always regarding English as an important subject as Chinese.Therefore,with the rapid developm