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2000年12月,乐山市与中国科学院成都分院签定了《乐山市——中国科学院成都分院科技合作协议》,正式启动了“院市科技合作”。2D04年,为进一步巩固和发展“院市科技合作”成果,乐山市在中国科学院和四川省委组织部的大力支持下,在全省率先开展了科技副职团队选派工作,先后引进6名中国科学院青年干部到乐山挂职工作。两年来,院市双方紧紧围绕乐山经济和社会发展目标,以创建“院市科技合作示范区”为抓手,在加强挂职科技干部培养,发挥科技副职团队服务地方发展的桥梁纽带作用方面进行了积极的实践与探索。 In December 2000, Leshan City and Chengdu Branch of the Chinese Academy of Sciences signed the Agreement on Science and Technology Cooperation of Leshan-Chengdu Branch of Chinese Academy of Sciences, formally launching the “Science and Technology Cooperation in Homesteads and Cities”. In order to further consolidate and develop the achievements of “Science and Technology Cooperation in Municipal Science and Technology” in 2D04, Leshan City, with the strong support of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee Organization Department, took the lead in dispatching the science and technology deputy team to the province and successively introduced 6 Chinese Academy of Sciences youth cadres to Leshan attachment. In the past two years, both the academy and the academy focus their attention on Leshan's economic and social development goals, and set up the “Science and Technology Cooperation Demonstration Zone for Municipalities and Municipalities” as the starting point, while strengthening the training of science and technology cadres on the job and playing the role of bridge between the science and technology deputy team serving local development In the aspects of active practice and exploration.
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