风暴来临 当代艺术一片萧瑟 震荡过后 市场路在何方

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09年秋拍,中国书画市场的火爆几乎掩盖了当代艺术在拍卖场上的存在,本刊在前几期也对这一新行情变化进行了深入的采访和分析,本期我们将关注的焦点转向当代艺术。市场份额的萎缩并不代表这个领域已经变得无足轻重,当代艺术势必在未来扮演更加有份量的角色。当下,当代艺术的暴跌已经不是新鲜事,我们更关心的是跌到了什么程度?是否已经到底?什么时候会复苏?9年第四季度的拍卖数据显示当代艺术市场停止了过去一年的暴跌,出现一定程度的回升,不少业内人士也开始讨论这个市场复苏的可能性。与此同时,因为金融危机对于欧美地区的冲击要远大于亚洲地区,因此在最近一个年度的市场调查中,亚洲当代艺术在市场份额和地位上都开始可以跟欧美市场叫板,我们是不是可以预测下一个十年是亚洲当代艺术的十年呢? In the autumn of 2009, the popularity of the Chinese calligraphy and painting market almost covered up the contemporary art’s existence in the auction market. In the previous issue, we also conducted an in-depth interview and analysis on this new market change. In this issue, we will shift our focus to modern Art. The shrinking market share does not mean that this area has become insignificant, and contemporary art is bound to play a larger role in the future. At the moment, the plunge in contemporary art is nothing new. What concern are we getting to? What is going to happen? When will we recover? The fourth quarter of 9-year auction data shows that the contemporary art market stopped its plunge in the past year, There is a certain degree of recovery, many people in the industry have begun to discuss the possibility of recovery in this market. In the meantime, because the financial crisis has far greater impact on Europe and the United States than in Asia, in a recent annual market survey, contemporary art in Asia began to challenge the European and American markets both in market share and position. Can we predict this? Is the next decade a decade of contemporary Asian art?
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