Nanotechnological approaches in diabetes treatment: A new horizon

来源 :World Journal of Translational Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:weishoukai
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Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disorder that affects millions of people worldwide and takes a heavy toll on human life. Treatment of diabetics often poses a problem in selection of the proper drug, its dose and unwanted side effects. Therefore, newer drugs with the least side effects but with highest efficiency are being relentlessly searched for. In recent years, nanotechnology has given new hope for the formulation of various drugs against a myriad of diseases, including diabetes. This review tries to give an overview of the advantages of various new drugs being used, including a wide range of nanoformulations of orthodox as well complementary and alternative medicines. Several studies and research reports based on nanotechnological approaches in the formulation of anti-diabetic drugs have pointed out the fact that research in the formulation of nanodrugs improved strategies for combating diabetes based on the plausible molecular mechanism of action of the drugs. Furthermore, attempts have also been made to delineate the optimum drug concentration and time of exposure in order to recommend a scientifically validated drug dose response in developing different therapeutic strategies. Thus, to a considerable extent, recent studies have contributed towards improving thelife expectancy and quality of life of diabetics, through both targeted orthodox medicine and complementary medicine, particularly those obtained from natural resources. Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disorder that that millions population people and takes a heavy toll on human life. Treatment of diabetics often poses a problem in the selection of the proper drug, its dose and unwanted side effects. Thus, newer drugs with the least side effects but with highest efficiency are being relentlessly searched for. In recent years, nanotechnology has given new hope for the formulation of various drugs against a myriad of diseases, including diabetes. This review tries to give an overview of the advantages of various new drugs being used, including a wide range of nanoformulations of orthodox as well complementary and alternative medicines. Several studies and research reports based on nanotechnological approaches in the formulation of anti-diabetic drugs have pointed out the fact that research in the formulation of nanodrugs improved strategies for combating diabetes based on the plausible molecular mechanism of action of the drugs. furthermore, attemp ts have also been made to delineate the optimum drug concentration and time of exposure in order to recommend a sustientifically validated drug dose response in developing different therapeutic strategies. Thus, to a considerable extent, recent studies have failed to improve the life expectancy and quality of life of diabetics, through both targeted orthodox medicine and complementary medicine, particularly those obtained from natural resources.
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