探索牛奶的“前世今生” 《透视牛奶》用实验故事展现科学奥秘

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抽象知识用常见形象去表现;科学知识与实验故事相结合。在《透视牛奶》里,主创人员按照这些原则,为牛奶知识找到了恰当的艺术化表达手段,实现了科学、美与纪录片的融合。今天,似乎没有人会对牛奶感到陌生,然而,人们真的了解我们餐桌上的那一杯牛奶么?纪录片《透视牛奶》的导演有意让这部片子始终萦绕在这样的弦外音之下,引导着我们去重新审视一件既熟悉又陌生的事物——牛奶。 Abstract knowledge to use common image to performance; combination of scientific knowledge and experimental story. According to these principles, Founder Milkman has found an appropriate means of artistic expression for the knowledge of milk and realized the integration of science, beauty and documentary. No one seems to be unfamiliar with milk today, but do people really know the glass of milk on our table? The director of the documentary Perspective Milk intentionally kept the film lurking beneath such chords, guiding Let us revisit a thing that is both familiar and unfamiliar - milk.
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