
来源 :北京航空航天大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fulingshu
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固液火箭冲压发动机兼具固体火箭冲压发动机和液体燃料冲压发动机的优点,为了研究其性能,建立了理论分析模型,计算了设计点性能以及非设计点工作特性.结果表明,固液火箭冲压发动机的比冲高于固体火箭冲压发动机,当液固比为1时,比冲提高1.82倍,液固比越大,比冲越高;随余气系数的增加设计点比冲先增加而后减小;非设计点比冲随飞行马赫数的增加先增加而后减小,对应不同的飞行高度,有一个临界点使比冲最大,高度越低临界点马赫数越小;推力系数随飞行高度的增加而增加,低马赫数下的比冲随飞行高度的增加而减小,高马赫数下的比冲随高度的增加先增加而后减小.按等余气系数调节燃油流量会使发动机性能变化较大,要获得稳定的飞行性能应研究其他的加热规律. The solid-liquid rocket ramjet combines the advantages of both solid rocket ramjet and liquid-fuel ramjet in order to study the performance of the rocket ramjet.A theoretical analysis model is established to calculate the performance of the design point and the working characteristics of the non-design point.The results show that the solid-liquid rocket ramjet Is higher than that of the solid rocket ramjet. When the ratio of liquid to solid is 1, the specific impulse increases by 1.82 times. The greater the ratio of liquid to solid is, the higher the specific impulse. With the increase of the residual gas ratio, the design point increases first and then decreases The non-design point impulse increases first and then decreases with the increase of flight Mach number. Corresponding to different flight levels, there is a critical point that maximizes the specific impulse. The lower the altitude, the smaller the Mach number. The thrust coefficient increases with the flight altitude The specific impulse at low Mach number decreases with the increase of flight altitude, and the specific impulse at high Mach number first increases and then decreases with the increase of height.Adjusting the fuel flow rate with equal residual gas coefficient will change the engine performance more Large, to obtain a stable flight performance should study other heating laws.
亚硝酸盐是一种允许使用的食品添加剂,同时亚硝酸盐又是致癌物质N-亚硝胺的重要前体,人体摄入0.3~0.5 g亚硝酸盐即可引起中毒,3 g可以致死.另外亚硝酸盐能够透过胎盘进入胎儿
静注胺碘酮(Am)治疗室性心律失常时起效时间常出现数小时以上的延迟.为探讨其延迟作用的机制,在8条活体杂种狗身上采用快速静注Am后连续滴注Am 20 h的方法,对Am及其主要活性
随着通信技术的快速发展,如何在有限的带宽下实现信息的低成本、大容量的传输引起了人们的广泛关注。文章描述了在40 km单模光纤上采用 IM/DD(强度调制/直接检测)和 OFDM(正交频