
来源 :中华少年 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangcx1987
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随着新课改的不断推进,信息技术学科也掀起了一股改革的热潮,而新课改所突出的以人为本在我们的课程改革中更是重要,而如何做到这一点则是对于我们教师的一项严峻的挑战,为此,笔者结合自身实际情况进行了一定的探究。 With the continuous advancement of new curriculum reform, the discipline of information technology has also set off an upsurge of reform. The people-oriented emphasis of the new curriculum reform is even more important in our curriculum reform. How to do this is for our teachers A serious challenge, for which reason, the author carried out a certain amount of inquiry with its own actual conditions.
弯腰树,革命人, 一身硬骨比钢筋, 敢斗天,敢斗地, 满腔豪气挖穷根。弯腰树人一片心, 紧连公社永不分, 誓学愚公移山志, 百年大计建山村。人革命,心革命, 穷山瘠土产黄金! 一
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擎 /门~、2 323 了口嘴1 11·2 1 566.5育匕3 33轻轻就拍去衣袖上的灰却5甲是无法擦去 八一气派3·3 3.2 323 3 55埋在 厂、了入矛尸-,、1·1 13222-心里的累。/一〕沃6万讲5
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