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目的:探索预见性护理在骨科护理中的临床应用价值,以寻求出适合管科患者的护理模式。方法:选取我院2016年4月至2017年4月期间收治的78例骨科创伤患者作为本次研究对象,采用抽签法将患者分为观察组(39例)和对照组(39例),分别予以对照组和观察组常规护理、预见性护理,对这两组患者的住院时间、抢救时间及住院费用等临床效果及感染、便秘、压疮等并发症情况进行比较、分析。结果:观察组的住院时间、住院费用及抢救时间等临床治疗效果明显高于对照组,且观察组感染、便秘发生率分别为10.26%、5.13%,无1例压疮,整体并发症发生率为15.38%,而对照组感染、压疮、便秘发生率分别为15.38%、2.56%、12.82%,整体并发症发生率为30.76;观察组明显优于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:预见性护理在骨科患者护理中的应用,可起到提高患者护理满意度、减少住院费用、缩短住院时间及降低预后并发症发生率等作用,护理效果显著,值得临床推广和应用。 Objective: To explore the clinical value of predictive nursing in orthopedic care in order to find a nursing model suitable for the patients in the medical department. Methods: Seventy-eight patients with orthopedic trauma admitted from April 2016 to April 2017 in our hospital were selected as the subjects. The patients were divided into the observation group (39 cases) and the control group (39 cases) by the lottery method The routine care and predictive nursing were given to the control group and the observation group. The clinical effects, such as hospitalization time, rescue time and hospitalization expenses, as well as complications such as infection, constipation and pressure ulcer in the two groups were compared and analyzed. Results: The clinical effects such as hospitalization time, hospitalization cost and rescue time in the observation group were significantly higher than those in the control group. The incidences of infection and constipation in the observation group were 10.26% and 5.13%, respectively. There was no one case of pressure ulcer and the overall complication rate (15.38%). The incidence of infection, pressure sore and constipation in control group were 15.38%, 2.56% and 12.82% respectively, and the overall complication rate was 30.76. The observation group was significantly better than the control group (P <0.05). Conclusion: The application of prospective nursing in orthopedic nursing can improve patient satisfaction, reduce hospitalization costs, shorten the length of hospital stay and reduce the incidence of complications. The nursing effect is significant and worthy of clinical promotion and application.
中国人大多背诵过范仲淹的千古名篇《岳阳楼记》。而那句脍灸人口“先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐”的豪迈诗句,正是范仲淹一生的写照,同时也成了以天下为己任的一切有志之士的座右铭。    壹    朝廷这次调西北前线的正副統帅回朝掌管枢密院,其中夏竦任枢密使,范仲淹、韩琦任枢密副使。范仲淹因为西北战事未了,五上奏疏要求留在前线,但未得到朝廷的允许。  虽然范仲淹离开朝廷已经七年了,但朝中有一批少壮派官员
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