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1.栽培管理 (1)错期播种。为确保父母本花期相遇,父本必须提前15天播种,当地3月15日播父本,3月底播母本,父母本种植比例为1:4~5。 (2)定植。忌与茄科作物连作,实行4~5年以上的轮作,制种田要求至少50米的隔离。父本提前定植于保护地内,密度为每亩5000株,母本于终霜过后露地定植,畦宽1~1.1米,长6~10米,每畦双行,大小行种植,小行距40厘米,大行距60~70厘米,亩栽4000株。 (3)田间管理: ①水肥管理:定植后浇小水,以利缓苗,缓苗后蹲苗7~10天,以后勤浇水勤追 1 cultivation and management (1) the wrong sowing. In order to ensure that the parents of this flowering encounter, the father must be sowed 15 days in advance, the local broadcast on March 15 father, mother by the end of March this year, the parent plant this ratio of 1: 4 ~ 5. (2) colonization. Bogey with solanaceous crop continuous operation, the implementation of 4 to 5 years of rotation, the system requires at least 50 meters isolation. Parents planted in advance to protect the ground, the density of 5000 per acre, the female parent after the final frost in the open planting, 畦 width of 1 to 1.1 meters, 6 to 10 meters long, each 畦 double line, line size planting, small line spacing 40 cm , 60 to 70 cm away from the line, planted 4,000 acres of mu. (3) field management: ① water and fertilizer management: pouring small water after planting, in order to facilitate Huanmiao, Huanmiao Miao Miao 7 to 10 days after the ground watering Qin chase
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