心中的舞台 彩调剧《蔗乡女》创作摭拾

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写戏的人都知道,现代戏难写,农村题材的现代戏尤难写出新意。接到这个要表现农村新变化、新风貌题材,又难以推辞的创作任务后,我们数次穿行在茫茫无际的甘蔗林中。蔗涛滚滚在耳边激荡,或高或低、或长或短、或远或近,好像在提醒着我们:此行为何而来?在一个个瓜果飘香的农家小院,在一个个自得其乐的业余剧团,我们和许多形形色色的蔗乡男女,聊着他们过去和现在的日子,聆听他们心中的欢乐与 Writers know that the modern drama is hard to write, modern themes in rural areas is more difficult to write new ideas. After receiving this creative mission to show new changes and new features in the rural areas, it is hard to refute the creative task. We walk through the vast expanse of sugar cane forest several times. Cattle billowing rolling in the ear agitation, high or low, or long or short, or far or near, seems to remind us: this act come? In a melon fragrance farmhouse, one by one Amateur theatrical troupes, we and many other cousin men and women, chatting about their past and present, listening to their hearts of joy and
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