及早准备 确保度汛安全

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今年是我国历史进程中非常重要的一年,如何分析形势,研究对策,做好准备,确保安全度汛,是摆在我们面前一项十分重要的任务,结合安徽防汛实际,防汛工作面临着许多新问题、新情况,防汛形势依然十分严峻,任务特别艰巨。 1、特殊的自然条件决定了安徽是个多灾的省份。安徽位于长江下游、淮河中游,长江、淮河横贯省境,地处南北气候交汇地带,极易发生水旱灾害。进入90年代的6年间,已连续发生了五次严 This year is a very important year in the course of our country’s history. How to analyze the situation, study the measures, make preparations and ensure the flood season is a very important task before us. Combined with the actual flood control in Anhui Province, flood control work faces many problems New problems, new situations and flood control situations are still very serious and the task is particularly arduous. 1, the special natural conditions determine Anhui is a disaster-prone provinces. Located in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, the middle reaches of the Huaihe River, the Yangtze River and the Huaihe River run through the provincial border, Anhui is located in the intersection of the North and South climates and is prone to floods and droughts. Six years into the 90’s, there have been five consecutive serious
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