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堆满杂物、废纸的厨房,一叠叠报纸在他笔下勾画成鲜活的“花鸟虫鱼”,排列黑色的“有形豆芽”。就是这些废旧报纸和黑暗潮湿的陋室,造就了一个世界铜奖艺术家。 他叫杨小强,现年36岁,长阳土家族自治县文化馆美术师。 说来让人难以相信,杨小强的书法绘画天才是苦练苦学出来的。在高中只办过黑板报,参加工作开始在农具厂当保管员、铸造工人,一个偶然机会,他被调到县电影公司,画电影广告,从此,杨小强与书法、绘画结下了不解之缘。他在公司极其简陋的厨屋里磨墨练字,没有钱买纸,他就用废报纸和电影脚本练,哪里有报纸都捡来,别人还以为他在捡破烂呢。有一段时间,他与朋友刘志敏绘画练字几乎达到发狂的地步,每天夜里,他们边画边交流,饿了就吃瓜子,喝稀饭,吃完一盆瓜子,喝完一锅稀饭,便画上了一个“旭日东升”。没有模特儿,附近的一些孩子被他们一个个捉去写生,直画到 A kitchen full of debris and waste paper, a stack of newspapers sketched him as vivid “flowers, birds and worms” arranged black black “visible bean sprouts.” It is these waste newspapers and shady harsh shack, creating a world bronze artist. His name is Yang Xiaoqiang, 36 years old, Changyang Tujia Autonomous County Museum of Art artist. To say it hard to believe, Yang Xiaoqiang’s calligraphy and painting genius is painstakingly hard learned. He had been blacklisted in high school, took part in the work and started to work as a custodian and foundry worker in the farm machinery factory. By chance, he was transferred to the county movie company and drew a movie advertisement. Since then, Yang Xiaoqiang has been confused with calligraphy and painting The edge. He practiced characters in the extremely crude kitchen of the company and did not have the money to buy paper. He used waste newspapers and film scripts to practice, where newspapers were picked up, and others thought he was picking up junk. For some time, he and his friend Liu Zhimin practiced calligraphy practically reaching the point of madness. Every night, they exchanged pictures while they were hungry, and they ate seeds of melons, drank porridge, ate pots of porridge, and drew a pot of porridge A “rising sun.” No model, a number of children in the vicinity of them are sketched one by one, draw to draw
Background: There is a need for reliable, easily measurable laboratory markers that may help dermatologists to predict the course of mycosis fungoides (MF) when
“太平”系指福建南大门诏安县的太平公社。60年代初期,“太平之风”在全省掀起波澜。时任省委第一书记的叶飞,因之而感到高兴,也因此而多了一条“罪状”。 一份报告引起省
作者将伤寒杆菌Ty_2株为母株,采用克隆法使其缺失phoP/phoQ毒力调节基因,得到新的减毒株Ty800,制成口服伤寒减毒活菌苗。 The typhimurium Ty_2 strain as the parent strain, t
目的观察布地奈德福莫特罗粉吸入剂(信必可都保)联合复方甲氧那明治疗支气管哮喘前后的肺功能变化情况。方法 40例支气管哮喘急性发作的轻、中度患者,随机分为治疗组和对照组