做好社会保障工作 服务稳定大局

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党的十六大提出,在全面建设小康社会过程中,要建立健全同经济发展水平相适应的社会保障体系。这事关广大人民群众的根本利益,事关改革、发展、稳定的大局,事关“三个代表”重要思想能否在财政部门真正贯彻落实。四川省省委、省政府对这一工作非常重视,提出了明确要求。各级财政部门必须顾全大局,着力调整支出结构,继续增加资金投入,确保各项政策的贯彻落实。要继续做好“两个确保”和“低保”工作,搞好“三条保障线”的衔接。各级财政部门要继续采取有效措施,增加投入,加强养老保险基金征缴,确保国有企业离退休人员基本养老金和下岗职工基本生活费的按时足额发放。在坚持做到“应保尽保”的前提下,继续规范“低保”管理制度,合理确定低保标准和低保范围,建立健全低保对象家庭收入审核办法,既保障低保对象的基本生活,又防止出现管理上的漏 The 16th CPC National Congress proposed that we should establish and improve a social security system that is commensurate with the level of economic development in the process of building an overall well-to-do society. This concerns the fundamental interests of the broad masses of the people, the overall situation of reform, development and stability and the issue of whether the important thinking of the ’Three Represents’ can be truly implemented in the financial sector. Sichuan Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government attach great importance to this work and make clear demands. Financial departments at all levels must take the overall situation into account, make efforts to adjust the expenditure structure, continue to increase capital investment and ensure the implementation of various policies. We should continue to do a good job of “two guarantees” and “minimum living guarantee” work, and do a good job of “three guarantee lines”. Financial departments at all levels should continue to take effective measures to increase their input, strengthen the collection of pension funds, and ensure that the basic pensions for retired personnel and laid-off workers’ basic subsistence allowances in state-owned enterprises are paid on time and in full. Under the precondition of upholding “ought to be guaranteed”, we will continue to standardize the management system of “subsistence allowances”, reasonably determine the subsistence allowances and the subsistence allowances, and establish and improve the household income auditing measures for low subsistence allowances. The basic living of the object, but also to prevent management leaks
构筑通道是神经介入手术操作中的首要步骤,经股动脉穿刺6F-90 cm导引导管的通路选择能适应大部分常规动脉栓塞,但对于复杂动脉瘤的血管内治疗,还需要更多样的通道选择,包括增
目的 评价不同产地两面针药材的综合质量.方法 依据2020年版《中国药典》一部对20批两面针药材进行常规检测,并建立两面针HPLC指纹图谱评价其质量一致性.结果 共检出2批药材
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