正确地给自己在社会中定位实在不是一件容易的事,但每一个人必须给自己定位。也许很多人都能给自己选一个位置,可是要做到定位准确,就必须能够认识自己。 古希腊人曾把“能认识自己”看作是人的最高智慧。阿波罗神殿的大门上写着一句箴言:“要认识你自己”。我们也常说“人
It is not easy to correctly position yourself in society, but each must position itself. Maybe many people can choose a location for themselves, but to be accurate, you must know yourself. The ancient Greeks once regarded “knowing oneself” as the highest wisdom of man. Apollo Temple’s door reads aphorisms: “To know yourself.” We often say "people