Structures and magnetic properties of Fe-Si-O films RF-sputtered in a high magnetic field

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tyftyf123
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We have investigated the effects of high magnetic fields on the microstructures and magnetic properties of Fe-Si-O films deposited by RF sputtering. Three typical sample appearances, hole-in-center, phase-separation and hybridization were obtained for the Fe-Si-O films prepared in the oxygen-argon flow ratio VO2/Vtotal<1.0%, magnetic field Bappl≤1.0 T regime, indicating that not only the distribution of plasma but also the angular distribution of sputtered atoms are influenced by a high magnetic fleld. In the oxygen-argon flow ratio VO3/Vtotal>2.0%, magnetic field Bappl≥2.0 T regime, strong (110) orientation of Fe3O4 grains and larger remanence and coercivity measured in the direction normal to the film plane appeared in the Fe-Si-O films. This result indicates that the high magnetic fields not only orient the Fe-Si-O film but also induce remarkable perpendicular magnetic anisotropy during the deposition. We have investigated the effects of high magnetic fields on the microstructures and magnetic properties of Fe-Si-O films deposited by RF sputtering. Three typical sample appearances, hole-in-center, phase-separation and hybridization were obtained for the Fe-Si -O films prepared in the oxygen-argon flow ratio VO2 / Vtotal <1.0%, magnetic field Bappl≤1.0 T regime, indicating that not only the distribution of plasma but also the angular distribution of sputtered atoms are influenced by a high magnetic fleld. In the oxygen-argon flow ratio VO3 / Vtotal> 2.0%, magnetic field Bapp1≥2.0 T regime, strong (110) orientation of Fe3O4 grains and larger remanence and coercivity measured in the direction normal to the film plane appeared in the Fe-Si -O films. This result indicates that the high magnetic fields not only orient the Fe-Si-O film but also induce remarkable perpendicular magnetic anisotropy during the deposition.
6月 2 8日 ,吕梁地区统计局对全区 90 0多名参加了山西省 1996年至 2 0 0 0年度“三五”普法教育 ,完成了规定的普法教育学习内容 ,学法、用法、守法考试、考核成绩合格的统
【正】 华东菝葜 Smilax siebooldii Miq.生长在朝鲜、日本和中国。其嫩叶用作食物。地下部分用来治疗关节炎、肿瘤和腰痛。过去曾从该植物中分出羟基螺甾酮(laxogenin)、惕