数海扬帆 青春无悔 记商丘市直机关十大杰出青年冯慧

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五月的商丘,花如海,歌如潮。在第四届商丘市直机关“十大杰出青年”颁奖典礼上,我们欣喜地看到一个美丽的倩影——她就是在近百名优秀青年中,通过层层选拔脱颖而出的商丘市统计局普查中心主任冯慧。如果把统计工作比作一道亮丽的风景线,那么,在这道风景线上一抹耀眼的绿,便是冯慧同志奋进的足迹。1 9年来,她用青春和汗水在数海人生的大舞台上倾情耕耘,博得了连连喝彩和阵阵掌声。 May Shangqiu, flowers such as the sea, song tide. In the Fourth Shangqiu City authorities “Ten Outstanding Young People ” award ceremony, we are pleased to see a beautiful shadows - she is in nearly a hundred outstanding young people, through the layers of selection to stand out Shangqiu Bureau of Statistics census Center director Feng Hui. If we compare the statistical work to a beautiful landscape, then the glittering green on this landscape is the footsteps of Comrade Feng Hui. In the past 19 years, she has used her youth and sweat to cultivate her life on the big stage of the sea of ​​life, winning numerous applause and applause.
在对交换机常见七号信令故障进行分析的同时 ,就如何有效解决这些问题提出了相应的措施 ,并就如何提高接通率提出了检测的方法 While analyzing the common SS7 signaling f