申福林是我校汽车系77届毕业生,是一位在西安公路交大土壤中“土生土长”的科技工作者,十几年来一直默默耕耘在教学、科研第一线。 现在他是汽车工程教研室主任。在教研室是领导又是科技带头兵。几年来他先后6次被评为省、部级优秀科研工作者和校优秀教师称号;他参加承担的20多项科研、科技服务项目也获得丰硕的成果,并被授予“交通部‘七五’科技攻关有突出贡献的科技人员”称号。
Shenfu Lin is a 77-year graduate of the Department of Automotive Engineering in our school. He is a native “science and technology worker” in the soil of Xi’an Jiaotong University. For more than a decade, he has worked hard at the forefront of teaching and research. Now he is director of automotive engineering department. In the teaching and research department is the leader of science and technology leader. Over the past few years, he has been awarded 6 times the provincial and ministerial-level outstanding scientific research workers and outstanding teachers of the title; he participated in the commitment of more than 20 scientific research, technology services projects have also achieved fruitful results, and was awarded the “Ministry of Communications” ’Scientific and technological achievements have made outstanding contributions to scientific and technological personnel’ title.