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西方实证主义的基本理论、发展历史及各流派对实证主义的批判,构成了实证主义关联的全貌。结合中国古代的天人合一观,与实证主义进行比较,发现两者之间既有相似性,也有差异性。就相同点而言:两者在本体论的基础上都坚持自然与社会的统一;在认识对象上,两者对社会现象与自然现象的认识没有本质的区别;在对历史的影响上,两者都产生了重要的历史意义。其不同点有:两者产生的背景不同,实证主义是在对形而上学的批判基础上,主张经验知识是唯一的来源,与只重视理论的分析形成鲜明对比,弥补了过去理论分析者的经验不足;天人合一观,是古人在对自然了解不足基础上产生的充满敬畏之心的表现,对中国后人的认识论的影响是只重视实际的经验事实的分析,对世界的把握只习惯于自身的经验体悟,而不是推理和对自然现象进行条分缕析的科学探究,形式逻辑不发达。两者对目前中国政府提出的建设创新型国家的目标提供了必需的思维观念。 The basic positivism of Western positivism, its history of development and criticism of positivism by various schools constitute the overall picture of the positivist relations. Combined with ancient Chinese concept of the unity of heaven and man, with the comparison of positivism, found that there are both similarities and differences. In the same sense, both of them insist on the unity of nature and society on the basis of ontology. There is no essential difference between the two in their understanding of social phenomena and natural phenomena. On the impact on history, Have produced an important historical significance. The difference is that the two have different backgrounds. Positivism advocates that empirical knowledge is the only source on the basis of metaphysical criticism, which is in stark contrast to the analysis that only emphasizes the theory and makes up for the inexperience of the theoretical analysts in the past ; The view of harmony between man and nature is the manifestation of the awe-inspiring heart that the ancients had produced on the basis of the lack of understanding of nature. The influence on the epistemology of the Chinese descendants is based on the analysis of the actual empirical facts. The mastery of the world is only accustomed to Comprehension of its own experience, rather than the reasoning and scientific analysis of the natural phenomena, and the formal logic is underdeveloped. Both of these provide the necessary thinking on the current goal put forward by the Chinese government in building an innovative nation.
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