
来源 :中国钢笔书法 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhouxubo
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王宠,明代著名书法家。精小楷,《游包山集》是其代表作之一,书于1527年,该作品已显示出作者非凡的艺术才华和个性。笔者认为用硬笔临习此帖时,应抓住以下特征:一、《游包山集》用笔,以圆为主,运笔缓慢;笔锋所致,起、行、转、收娴熟,笔法中稍有隶书的意趣。在笔画方面,点画凝重,笔锋在入纸后,末端多略向右上挑,做收的动作,而横画则均向右上取势,表现为两种形态,一是直接落笔,不作逆锋动作,左端露出毫尖,二是直接落笔后,笔向右上微微挑动,使起笔的锋芒含蓄。在撇画的写法上,此画较短,有收缩之感。而捺画则写得舒展,笔势略向下垂,且含有隶书笔意,这两画是《游包山集》中最为明显的笔画,我们在临习过程中更要把握好这一特点,否则就失去了临习该帖的意义。另外,此帖写横折笔画,方圆并用。方笔转折笔势向内收,圆笔转折笔势向外拉。该帖钩画的写法,没有明显的特征。左挑钩或出或收,出者见形态,收者见笔意; Wang pet, Ming Dynasty famous calligrapher. Small Kai, “You Baoshan set” is one of its representative works, the book in 1527, the work has shown the author extraordinary artistic talent and personality. The author believes that when using hard pen to practice this post, you should seize the following characteristics: First, the “travel package Hill set” with a pen, the main round, pen is slow; pen front due to start, line, turn, close skilled, Slightly official notes of interest. In strokes, painting dignified, pen front in the paper, the end slightly more to the right pick, do the closing action, while the horizontal are the right to take advantage of the potential, manifested in two forms, one directly pen down, without reversing the action , The left tip exposed millisecond, the second is directly after the pen, the pen slightly to the right to pick up, so that the edge of the pen implied. In the sketching of writing, the painting is shorter, a sense of contraction. The depiction of the left is stretched, the gesture is slightly drooped, and contains the written script, these two paintings are the most obvious strokes in “Traveling to Mount Baoshan,” and we should grasp this feature more during the course of the internship. Otherwise, Lost the meaning of this post. In addition, this post to write horizontal strokes, radius and use. Turn the pen pen inward turn, turn the pen out of the pen. The painting hook painting, no obvious characteristics. Pick the hook left or out or income, see those who see the form, the recipient see the pen meaning;
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