
来源 :历史教学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:czronick
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江西省社联、省社会科学院、省委党校、省党史征集委员会、省党史学会等七个单位联合召开的纪念南昌起义、秋收起义和井冈山根据地创建六十周年学术讨论会,于1987年9月15日至18日在南昌市举行.参加讨论会的有来自北京、江西等七省市的一百余位代表。大会收到论文80余篇。会议围绕南昌起义、秋收起义和井冈山根据地的历史地位、作用等问题展开了热烈讨论.讨论拓宽了研究的范围,深化了问题的认识。现仅就这次讨论会提出的有新见解的部分问题综述如下:一、南昌起义打出国民党的旗帜问题 Jiangxi Province Federation of Social Sciences, Provincial Academy of Social Sciences, Provincial Party School, Provincial Party History Calling Committee, Provincial Party History Society and other seven units jointly held in commemoration of the Nanchang Uprising, the Autumn Harvest Uprising and Jinggangshan base to create the sixtieth anniversary of the Symposium in 1987 September 15 to 18 held in Nanchang City to participate in the seminar from Beijing, Jiangxi and other seven provinces and cities more than 100 delegates. The conference received more than 80 papers. The symposium heatedly discussed the issues such as the Nanchang Uprising, the Autumn Harvest Uprising, and the historical status and role of the Jinggangshan base areas, and the discussion broadens the scope of the study and deepens the understanding of the issue. Now only some of the issues raised by this symposium with new insights are summarized as follows: I. The issue of Nanchang Uprising hitting the banner of the Kuomintang
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北车集团西安车辆厂培训处张安瑞同志,以其敏锐的思维、超前的意识、雷厉风行的工作作风以及显著的工作业绩,在工厂乃至北车集团公司而著称。 Commander Zhang Anrui of CNR
万兆以太网技术为哪般以太网的一个最大基本特征就是,它采用了一种叫“载波监听多路访问/冲突检测 CSMA/CD(Carrier SenseMultiple Access/Collision Detection)”的共享
弄清楚林肯对奴隶制的态度,是写好内战史的一个重要条件。我国不少人认为林肯不是废奴派,察其论据,多限于例举一八六三年以前林肯有关奴隶制的言论和政策。 事实是林肯对奴