Rapid genetic divergence and mitonuclear discordance in the Taliang knobby newt(Liangshantriton tali

来源 :动物学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:judge119
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The Hengduan Mountains Region(HMR)is the largest“evolutionary frontier”of the northern temperate zone,and the origin and maintenance of species in this area is a research hotspot.Exploring species-specific responses to historical and contemporary environmental changes will improve our understanding of the role of this region in maintaining biodiversity.In this study,mitochondrial and microsatellite diversities were used to assess the contributions of paleogeological events,Pleistocene climatic oscillations,and contemporary landscape characteristics to the rapid intraspecific diversification of Liangshantriton taliangensis,a vulnerable amphibian species endemic to several sky-island mountains in the southeastern HMR.Divergence date estimations suggested that the East Asian monsoon,local uplifting events(Xigeda Formation strata),and Early-Middle Pleistocene transition(EMPT)promoted rapid divergence of L.taliangensis during the Pleistocene,yielding eight mitochondrial lineages and six nuclear genetic lineages.Moreover,population genetic structures were mainly fixed through isolation by resistance.Multiple in situ refugia were identified by ecological niche models and high genetic diversity,which played crucial roles in the persistence and divergence of L.taliangensis during glacial-interglacial cycles.Dramatic climatic fluctuations further promoted recurrent isolation and admixing of populations in scattered glacial refugia.The apparent mitonuclear discordance was likely the result of introgression by secondary contact and/or female-biased dispersal.Postglacial expansion generated two major secondary contact zones(Ganluo(GL)and Chuhongjue(CHJ)).Identification of conservation management units and dispersal corridors offers important recommendations for the conservation of this species.
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推导了求解交流损耗H方程法的数值计算公式,利用COMSOL Multiphysics有限元仿真软件PDE模块建立单根超导带材仿真模型,并介绍模型参数、网格剖分和物理场设置等流程和细节,系统分析不同幅值交流传输电流下的磁场分布和交流损耗.仿真结果显示,磁场强度较大的位置在超导带材的两端,并向中间区域逐渐减小.随着通入交流传输电流的幅值增加,超导带材内部及周围空气的磁场强度、磁场穿透深度和交流损耗也有了明显的增加.通过二维与三维仿真结果对比分析,证实三维仿真设置的正确性和结果的可靠性.