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[目的]了解绵阳市农村集中式供水水质卫生状况,为政府制定卫生政策提供科学依据。[方法]2009年,在绵阳市农村抽取部分集中式供水工程及其水质情况进行卫生调查。[结果]调查136座农村集中式供水工程,监测检验水样544件,合格水样211份,合格率为38.78%;枯水期与丰水期水质合格率分别为47.43%、30.15%;总大肠菌群、耐热大肠菌群和菌落总数的合格率分别为49.08%、70.96%和70.40%,其他指标的合格率均在95%以上。水源类型为地下水者占73.53%,地表水占26.47%;饮用水完全处理的占总数的29.41%,仅消毒处理的占50%,仅沉淀过滤处理的占13.97%,未经任何处理直接供水的占6.62%。[结论]绵阳市农村集中式供水工程水处理设施不完善,消毒设备闲置不用现象普遍,水质合格率较低,微生物污染严重,应采取综合措施,加强对农村饮用水卫生监督管理和定期水质消毒。 [Objective] To understand the health condition of centralized water supply in rural areas of Mianyang and provide scientific basis for the government to formulate health policies. [Method] In 2009, some centralized water supply projects and their water quality in rural areas of Mianyang City were selected for health survey. [Results] A total of 136 rural centralized water supply projects were surveyed, 544 water samples were monitored and tested, 211 qualified water samples were passed, the pass rate was 38.78%; the qualified rates of water quality in dry season and wet season were 47.43% and 30.15% respectively; The qualified rate of the colony, heat-resistant coliform group and colony were 49.08%, 70.96% and 70.40% respectively, and the passing rates of other indexes were above 95%. 73.53% were groundwater, 26.47% were surface water, 29.41% were treated with potable water, 50% were disinfected, 13.97% were sediment filtered, and were supplied directly without any treatment Accounting for 6.62%. [Conclusion] The water treatment facilities of rural centralized water supply project in Mianyang City are not perfect, the disinfection equipment is not idle, the qualification rate of water quality is low and the microbial pollution is serious. Therefore, comprehensive measures should be taken to improve hygiene supervision and management and regular disinfection of drinking water in rural areas .
11月26日上午,省委理论学习中心组在宁卧庄礼堂举行深入学习实践科学发展观的专题学习报告会。中共中央党史研究室副主任李忠杰应邀到会作了专题辅导报告。 On the morning