《美丽的小兴安岭》是人教版第五册第四单元的第二篇讲读课文。本组阅读训练的重点是弄懂每个自然段的意思 ,这个任务主要是通过《美丽的小兴安岭》和《富饶的西沙群岛》这两篇课文的教学来完成的。尤其是要通过《美丽的小兴安岭》的教学教给学生读懂自然段的意思的方法 ,使学
“Beautiful Xiaoxing'anling” is the second reading text of the fourth unit of the fifth PEP. The focus of this group of reading exercises is to understand the meaning of each of the natural segments. This task is mainly accomplished through the teaching of the two texts: “beautiful Xiaoxing'anling” and “rich Xisha Islands.” In particular, we should teach students how to understand the meaning of natural sections through the teaching of “Beautiful Little Hinggan Mountains”