Fujian is one of China’s high-yield sugarcane producing areas. Xianyou County is the center of Fujian Cane District, accounting for one fifth of the province. The average yield of 98730kg per 1ha, sugar per 1ha 13,627.5kg, the highest in the province. In this study, Yushijing village, which represents the upper level of sugarcane field, was selected as the object to collect the data of natural resources, social resources, planting system, crop yield, farmland nutrient balance and economic benefits from 1971 to 1980. Using mathematical statistics and linear programming Quantitative analysis of sugarcane area farmland ecosystem optimization structure. Research objects and research methods Yujing Village is located in Mulan Creek. Climatic resources are superior, with an average annual temperature of 20.2 ℃, frost-free period of 320d, ≥ 10 ℃ activity accumulated temperature