如同企业不希望生产废品一样,医院更不希望医疗差错和医疗事故的发生。然而差错和事故又是医院难以绝对避免的。因而医患双方作为医疗市场的对立统一体,纠纷也就在所难免,既然如此,那么医院怎样才能摆脱医疗纠纷的困扰呢? 1 加强医德医风教育,提高了职工职业道德素质 过去患者看病叫“求医”,医生居高临下,难免有一种“恩赐”心态,“待病人如亲人”口号也就流于形式。可现如今医疗买方市场的形成与发展,必将迫使医院职工接受这样一个现实,患者是医院的上帝,乃至衣食父母,因此职工应转变思想观念,始终坚持“以
Just as companies do not want to produce waste, hospitals do not want medical errors and medical accidents to happen. However, mistakes and accidents are inevitably avoided by the hospital. Therefore, both doctors and patients act as the unity of the medical market, and disputes are unavoidable. If so, how can the hospital get rid of the problems of medical disputes? 1 Strengthen the medical ethics education and improve the professional ethics of the employees. “Seek medical advice”, when doctors are condescending, there is inevitably a “gift” mentality. The slogan “to treat patients like their loved ones” also lingers in form. Nowadays, the formation and development of the medical buyer’s market will force hospital workers to accept the fact that the patient is the God of the hospital and even the food and clothing parents. Therefore, the workers should change their thinking and always adhere to the