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近年来,米非司酮配合米索前列醇终止早期妊娠在临床上已广泛应用,其流产率高、痛苦小、对机体损伤小、副作用小,深受欢迎。为了探讨药物流产与子宫位置的关系,我们进行了临床观察和分析,报告如下。1资料与方法1.1临床资料:收集1996年3月—1998年12月... In recent years, mifepristone with misoprostol termination of early pregnancy has been widely used in clinical practice, the abortion rate is high, less painful, less damage to the body, the side effects of small, very popular. In order to explore the relationship between medical abortion and uterine position, we conducted a clinical observation and analysis, the report is as follows. 1 Materials and Methods 1.1 Clinical data: collected in March 1996 - December 1998 ...
据说东方朔的父亲姓张,在他出世前就死了,母亲生下他三天后也去世了。因为他出生之时,东方刚亮,所以就被兄嫂命名为东方朔。因此,他是东方姓氏的第一人。 It is said that Z