
来源 :摩托车信息 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haozhizhegogo
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3月份摩托车工业产销情况简析3月,摩托车产销同比继续下降,当月产销量为2007年以来同期新低;一季度,全行业累计完成产销494.26万辆和500.65万辆,同比降幅比1月~2月略有扩大。3月,全行业完成摩托车产销181.81万辆和183.71万辆,环比增长31.19%和31.75%,同比下降9.22%和9.85%,产销量为2007年以来同期新低。其中:二轮摩托车产销160.21.万辆和162.23万辆,环比增长29.32%和30.34%,同比下降9.36%和10.21%;三轮摩托车产销21.61万辆和21.48万辆,环比增长46.96%和43.47%,同比下降8.15%和7%。2014年一季度,全行业完成产销494.26万辆和500.65万辆,同比下降8.03%和9.43%,降幅比1~2月扩大0.73和0.23个百分点。其中:二轮摩托车产销441.86万辆和448.84万辆,同比下降8.35%和9.85%,降幅扩大0.61和0.19个百分点;三轮摩托车产销52.40万辆和51.81万辆,同比下降5.24%和5.58%,降幅扩大2.12和0.99个百分点。一季度,全行业摩托车产销率为101.29%,比上年同期下降1.57个百分点。3月末,全行业企业库存为62.67万辆,同比下降9.13%。(摩信) Analysis of Production and Sales of Motorcycle Industry in March In March, the production and sales of motorcycles continued to decline year-on-year, and the monthly sales volume for the same month was the same period as the low level in the same period of 2007. In the first quarter, the total industry output and sales were 4.9426 million and 5,006,500 units, down YoY ~ February slightly expanded. In March, the industry completed 1,881,100 units of motorcycles and 1,871,700 units of motorcycles, up 31.19% and 31.75% from the previous month, down 9.22% and 9.85% from the same period of previous year respectively. The production and sales volume was the lowest level since 2007. Among them, the output and sales of two-wheeled motorcycles were 160.21 million and 1.6223 million, up 29.32% and 30.34% respectively, down 9.36% and 10.21% from the same period of previous year; the sales and sales of three-wheeled motorcycles were 216,100 units and 214,800 units, up 46.96% and 43.47%, down 8.15% and 7% from the same period of last year. In the first quarter of 2014, the industry completed sales of 4.9426 million units and 5,006,500 units, down 8.03% and 9.43% from the same period of last year, an increase of 0.73 and 0.23 percentage points from January to February. Among them, 4,418,600 and 4,488,400 motorcycles were sold and sold, down 8.35% and 9.85% respectively over the same period of the previous year, an increase of 0.61 and 0.19 percentage points respectively; the sales and sales of three-wheeled motorcycles were 52,400 and 518,100, down 5.24% and 5.58 respectively %, An increase of 2.12 percentage points and a decrease of 0.99 percentage points. In the first quarter, the industry-wide production and sales of motorcycles was 101.29%, down 1.57 percentage points from the same period of last year. By the end of March, the total inventory of enterprises in the industry was 626,700, down 9.13% from the same period of last year. (Mosh letter)
21世纪充满了机遇、竞争和挑战 ,科技发展日新月异 ,知识经济蓬勃发展 ,经济全球化不可阻挡 ,我国加入了WTO ,使我国的改革开放、国际合作与竞争进入新阶段 ,冲击和机会都将是空
自2016年下半年开始,为了解决城市出行“最后一公里”的问题,共享单车迅速席卷了北上广深等一线城市。但是,作为重要资产的单车被随意放置在街头巷尾,一是影响市容,二是被破坏、偷盗的现象非常严重。共享单车是一种新生事物,对它所带来的治安问题,有关部门还缺乏足够的认识和准备。作为派出所民警的你,有没有遇到过共享单车所引发的社会治安问题?对此你有什么想法?  江苏省泗阳县公安局裴圩派出所 陈炳灼:各种各样
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