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喝茶很多年了。前几天和马大哥的一场下午茶,感触最深。大概是六七年前,我们都很迷茶,迷沉香。那个时候,一是狠狠地学茶知识,什么绿茶、红茶、黑茶、黄茶……然后又把各种茶分成上、中、下的等次。内心的喜乐,是追逐好茶的结果,遇上了好茶,就喜,遇不上好茶,就不喜,分别心很大。后来,慢慢地明白,茶其实本无好坏,有些茶在农家的田头用大茶壶烧煮,大碗盛了;有些茶在知识分子的案头,用小炉炭烧,用一口杯端着;有些茶在达官贵人家的厅上,由服务员端着…… Drinking tea for many years. A few days ago and Ma brother’s afternoon tea, the deepest feelings. Probably six or seven years ago, we are very crazy tea, incense incense. At that time, one was fiercely learning tea knowledge, what green tea, black tea, black tea, yellow tea ... and then divided into various kinds of tea, middle and lower order. Heart of joy, chasing good tea is the result, met a good tea, like hi, met good tea, do not like, respectively, a great heart. Later, slowly understand that the tea is actually good or bad, some tea in the farmland with a large teapot cook, bowl Sheng; some tea in the desk of intellectuals, with a small charcoal burning, with a cup of end With some tea in the noble family’s hall, the waiter holding ...
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当前初中思想品德课教学中仍延续着传统教学的一些弊端,严重地制约着新课程的有效实施和课程目标的有效实现。突出表现在:在教学方法上,重教师单向的知识灌输,轻学生主动参与探究;在教学内容上,重课本知识,轻生活实践;在学习评价上,重学生的卷面成绩,轻学生的情感、态度、价值观的培养等。那么,在新形势下,如何解决上述问题,提高思想品德课的教学效果呢?  一、研读课程标准,提高教学活动的针对性  新“课程标准”
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