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1998年4月27日-5月1日,世界机器人界的巨头纷纷云集英国的伯明翰,他们此行的目的是为了参加在那里举行的第29届国际机器人盛会,此次大会是由国际机器人联合会主办,英国机器人协会具体承办的.此次大会的活动议程包括:4天的会议,一天的专题研讨会,庆祝晚宴和联合会特别会议.来自32个国家的250余名代表参加了此次在NEC广场Metropole饭店举行的盛会.会议发表了100余篇论文,内容涉及从机械手和控制器的设计到工业应用.很多报告都集中在一些新领域(比如移动机器人)的最新研究进展上.四天的学术报告和一天的专题研讨会涉及到了4项内容:1、食品与农业;2、医疗与保健;3、恶劣环境(包括水下,核环境、空间和防御);4、服务应用.专家们在这些领域作出了贡献,并通过与听众的讨论获益非浅.晚宴上大家热烈祝贺英国机器人协会成立21周年.在这值得纪念的日子里,英国机器人协会有幸主持了恩格尔伯格奖和金机器人奖颁奖仪式.恩格尔伯格奖由恩格尔伯格先生亲自为获奖者颁奖,金机器人奖由ABB公司的英国执行主席埃里克·德鲁伊里先生颁奖.整个活动在一片祥和的气氛中结束.1998年恩格尔伯格奖恩格尔伯格奖以大名鼎鼎的世界机器人之父的名字命名,每一个获奖者可得到2000美元奖金.自1977年以来已有13个国家的68名国际机器人领? April 27, 1998 - May 1, the world’s robotics giants have gathered in Birmingham, United Kingdom, their purpose is to attend the trip to the 29th International Robot Gala held there, the conference is jointly organized by the International Robot Organized by the British Robotics Society, the agenda for the conference includes 4 days of meetings, 1 day of symposia, gala dinner and special meeting of the federation More than 250 delegates from 32 countries attended the event At the NEC Plaza Metropole Hotel event held over 100 papers published from the manipulator and controller design to industrial applications.Many reports focus on some new areas (such as mobile robots) the latest research and development.Four The academic report and one-day symposium cover four topics: 1. Food and Agriculture; 2. Medical and Health Care; 3. Harsh Environments (including Underwater, Nuclear Environment, Space and Defense); 4. Service Applications. Experts have contributed in these areas and benefited greatly from discussions with listeners, and everyone warmly congratulated the British Robotics Association on its 21st anniversary at this memorable day. The National Robotics Association has the honor to host the Engelberg and Golden Robot Awards Ceremony. The Engelberg Prize was personally presented to the winners by Mr. Engelberg. The Golden Robot Award was presented by ABB’s UK Executive Chairman Eric Druidli Mr. Prize. The event ended in a peaceful atmosphere. The Engelberg Award for Engelberg in 1998 was named after the father of the famous world robot, and each winner receives a prize of $ 2,000. Since 1977, there have been 68 international robots from 13 countries?