Objective: To investigate the role of Uroflowmetry (UFM) in assessing voiding function after hypospadial urethroplasty. Methods: Sixty-six male patients after urethroplasty undergoing hypospadias were aged 4.2 ± 1.1 years old. Duckett urethroplasty in 27 cases, Barcat plasty in 26 cases, scrotal septal flap method in 13 cases. UFM was performed at 3 months and 6 months after operation. One standard deviation of the maximum flow rate (Qmax) less than the normal children of the same age was defined as suspicious obstruction. The mean of less than 2 standard deviations or urine flow rate curve was defined as a platform For obstruction. Suspicious obstruction or obstruction of children underwent urethroscopy or urethroscopy to identify obstruction site. Results: 48 cases (72.7%) of the children with UFM showed no obstruction, only two cases were followed up for 6 months urethral stricture. 11 cases showed suspicious obstruction, 7 cases of obstruction; ureteroscopy or contrast 12 cases of clear obstruction site, 1 case did not find obvious location of urethral stricture, but the maximum urinary flow rate after transurethral dilatation was significantly improved, and the remaining 5 cases observed in children In 3 cases, urethral stricture occurred 6 months after operation. There was no significant difference between different operation UFM parameters (P> 0.05). Conclusions: UFM is a valuable indicator of urethral stenosis after hypospadiac urethroplasty and early detection of urethral stenosis.