
来源 :旅游纵览(下半月) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaoshang
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工学结合是职业教育发展的主流模式,随着我国社会经济的飞速发展,旅游产业发展迅猛,市场竞争不断加剧,对人才需求层次越来越高.结合当前旅游管理专业存在的问题,认真研究工学结合的办学模式和教学理念,不断地强化学生的实践能力,促进学生综合素养的提升,真正培养高质量人才。当前我国高职旅游管理专业教学还没有完全跳出传统教学模式,不能够满足当前我国旅游市场对人才的需求,影响到学生的就业和发展,也影响到学校的可持续发展。工学结合的人才培养模式让学生能够在理论学习的基础上熟悉操作流程,不 With the rapid development of social economy in our country, the tourism industry is developing rapidly and the competition in the market is aggravating day by day, and the level of talent demand is getting higher and higher.Considering the existing problems in tourism management major, Combined with the school running mode and teaching philosophy, and constantly strengthen the practical ability of students to promote the overall quality of students to enhance and truly cultivate high-quality personnel. At present, the teaching of tourism management major in higher vocational education in our country has not completely jumped out of the traditional teaching mode and can not meet the current needs of the tourist market in our country, affecting the employment and development of students and the sustainable development of schools. The combination of work-study and training mode enables students to become familiar with the operation process on the basis of theoretical study and not
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一、加入WTO对河北省商标事业的影响 加入WTO意味着我国将真正进入国际经济大循环的轨道,进一步扩大国际间的交流,参与国际市场的竞争与分工。商标作为企业商品或服务的标志,是
分析了中小型水轮机主轴的加工难点,提出了新的加工工艺。 The difficulties in machining the main shaft of small and medium-sized turbine are analyzed and a new proc
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