在杭城庆春路219号五楼,一块“农工民主党浙江省委会杭州中医门诊部”的招牌并不醒目,然而慕名前来就诊的患者陆续不绝。门诊部自1982年开办以来,就诊患者已逾40余万人次,连续十年被评为杭州市、上城区卫生系统“社会办医先进集体”,并已列入杭州市市级医保定点单位。 该门诊部在杭城大医院林立、医疗机构竞争激烈的情况下,不仅站稳了脚跟,且得到稳步发展,被杭州市民誉为“一所受群众欢迎的门诊部”。究其成功
At the fifth floor of No. 219 Qingchun Road in Hangzhou City, the signboard of the “Agricultural Workers Democratic Zhejiang Provincial Committee Hangzhou Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic” is not eye-catching, but patients who come to see the doctors are endless. Since its establishment in 1982, the outpatient department has had more than 400,000 patient visits. It has been rated as the “Advanced Social Collective Medical Group” for the health system of Hangzhou and Shangcheng Districts for ten consecutive years, and has been listed as a designated unit of municipal medical insurance in Hangzhou. The outpatient department was not only a firm foothold but also steadily developed under the conditions of the huge hospitals in Hangzhou City and the fierce competition among medical institutions. It was hailed by Hangzhou residents as “a popular patient clinic”. Success