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与一些重要新闻媒体相比,目前,一些地市党报遇到舆论监督难的现象。 首先,难在很多被监督的部门和领导片面理解“以正面报道为主”的方针,只盼着报纸给他们锦上添花,把新闻舆论当成昭显自己政绩的工具。有些单位的负责人和上级主管部门存在着“不怕通报,就怕见报”的思想,对舆论监督采取消极的态度。比如有时编辑部刚刚得到一个批评报道的线索,稿子还没有写,甚至还没有采访,一些被批评单位及其主管部门就有“不能采访、不能报道”的电话打来,对批评报道百般阻止和干扰,致使一些地市党报舆论监督阻力大、执行难。 Compared with some important news media, at present, some prefectural Party newspapers and newspapers have encountered the problem of media supervision. First of all, it is difficult to understand the principle of “reporting mainly on the front page” in many supervised departments and leaders. We only hope that newspapers will make them even better and use the media as a tool to show their achievements. Some units in charge and higher authorities there is “not afraid to inform, afraid to see the newspaper,” the idea of ​​public opinion to take a negative attitude. For example, sometimes the editorial department has just got a clue about criticism, manuscripts have not been written or even interviewed. Some accused units and their competent departments have phone calls of “interviews that can not be reported or reports” Interference, resulting in a number of municipal newspaper party public opinion monitoring resistance, the implementation of the difficult.
由北京大学图书馆和北京高校图书馆期刊工作研究会共同组织评选的第四届“新闻核心期刊”,近日通过评审鉴定,《中国记者》再次当选。 The fourth “journal core journal”
民国“黑幕”派的产生是多种因素合力作用的结果。近代社会生活条件、思想文化潮流 ,传统与外来文化影响 ,作家的文学志趣与创作追求 ,读者层面及商界、出版界炒作诸因素皆发