
来源 :大理民族文化研究论丛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hao8035
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1994年10月,云南漾濞县金牛村一位名叫罗光明的乡村医生,在其村后山崖上发现崖画,从此首次揭开了大理古代崖画调查研究的序幕。崖画位于大理点苍山马龙峰西坡,海拔约2 000米,北纬25°42′,东经100°07′。在崖画地点东侧有一条箐沟,叫吃水箐,常年有水。崖画在一单独突出的岩石上,从远处看,整个就像头戴草帽的人,因此当地百姓称之为草帽人。画面朝南,高9米,宽(底脚)13米,为缺角长方形,掩蔽在青松灌木丛中。从崖画的色泽来分析,此画可分为三个时期所作,形成三个层次。下面我们作描述分析。A层为早期作的画,在岩壁的右上方,赭色较暗淡。画面依稀可辨的是几头牛,有一牛头两角较长,成倒八字弯曲,此层画面较大,但残损严重,约剩2平方米,若群牛在广袤的田野上奔跑,这组画面我们暂定为牛群图。此图离地面5米左右,作画时可能利用石壁前的树木,攀树而画的。B层和C层的画重叠在一起,但从作画的手法、内容来看,时间较为接近,只是采用的颜色不同。B层在底为土黄色,有五笔画的人形和手掌印,用指头蘸色画,人的头、身一竖而成,手、脚成八字分开与身体相连,形体简单,没有衣 In October 1994, a village doctor named Luo Guangming, a native of Taoyu Village, Yangbian County, Yunnan Province, discovered the cliff paintings on the cliffs behind the village and opened the curtain for the investigation of ancient cliff paintings in ancient times. Cliff painting located in Dali point of Cangshan Malong peak west slope, about 2 000 meters above sea level, latitude 25 ° 42 ’, longitude 100 ° 07’. In the cliff painting east of the place there is a ditch, called draft, perennial water. Cliffs are painted on a single prominent rock, and from a distance, the whole is like a man wearing a straw hat, so the local people call it a straw hat. South of the picture, 9 meters high, wide (feet) 13 meters, for the missing rectangle, covered in pine forest. From the color of cliff painting to analyze, this painting can be divided into three periods made by the formation of three levels. Here we describe the analysis. A layer of early paintings, in the upper right corner of the rock, ocher dimmer. Picture faintly discernible is a few cattle, there are a long taller two horns, into a downbeat bend, this layer larger screen, but badly damaged, about 2 square meters left, if the herd of cattle running in the vast fields, this group We tentatively set the picture for the herd. This map from the ground about 5 meters, painting may be used before the stone wall trees, climbing and painting. B layer and C layer overlap the painting together, but from the painting techniques, content, the time is closer, but the use of different colors. B layer in the end for the khaki, with five strokes of the humanoid and palm prints, dipped in color with the finger painting, the head of the human body, erected, hand, foot and body connected to separate characters, body simple, no clothes
沿着夏威夷群岛的海岸线行驶,低头是海,抬头就是山。在夏威夷语中,Mauka 意为面朝大海,Mauki 则是面朝高山。奇特而多变的地貌,使得夏威夷成为海与山紧密结合的岛屿,岛屿的
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