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小学生守则的公布,是党前贯彻全面发展的教育方针,提高教育质量,加强共产主义道德教育的重要措施。当上级决定我校重点施行的时候,我校教师非常重视这项工作,认真地进行学习。通过学习,大家在思想认识上提高了不少。首先明确了我们要培养什么样的人。郑达老师说:“过去要求学生成为人上人,学习了“小学生守则”以後,知道今天要培养的是社会主义全面发展的新人,将来要为祖国和人民服务,我懂得了新旧道德的区别。”在学习中,特别着重地批到了旧的教育思想,过去不少同志认为进行纪律教育贯彻小学生守则,就是要把学生培养成“服服贴贴”“规规矩矩”的人,他们认为“斯文规矩”“百依百顺”的孩子,才是最理想的孩子,而把“活泼好动,爱说爱闹”的孩子,认为是“坏”孩子,讨厌他们。还有些同志特别喜欢女学生,认为女学生的个 The announcement of the code for primary school pupils is an important measure to implement the education policy of all-round development before the party, improve the quality of education, and strengthen the communist moral education. When the superiors decided to focus on the implementation of our school, our school teachers attach great importance to this work, serious study. Through learning, we have improved a lot in our thinking. First clear what kind of people we want to train. Teacher Zheng Da said: “In the past, students were required to become masters and after learning the Guiding Principles for Primary School Students, they knew that what we should cultivate today is a new socialist full-scale development who will serve the motherland and the people in the future. I understand the difference between the old and new moralities ”In our study, we paid special attention to the old educational thinking. In the past, many comrades thought that carrying out discipline education and implementing the code for primary school students means cultivating students into“ rules and regulations ”for“ service and attachment ”. They think “Swan law” “be obedient” children, is the best child, and to “lively and active, love to say love” children, as “bad” children, hate them. Other comrades, in particular, like female students and think female students
空军后勤部卫生部最近从荷兰引进了20台ISP-M 半自动生化分析仪。这批仪器体积小巧,带有电脑,操作方便,性能可靠,能完成30多个检验项目,而所用试剂都能实现国产化,是一种比
姜小鹂原是我省某重点中学的学习尖子,以善于解难题著称,屡次参加学科竞赛都获奖,后来以优异的考分被录取到复旦大学。她在大学学习期间,却碰到了许多解决 Ginger Oliver w
为了巩固正比例的基础知识和基本技能,我设计了“一表多变”的练习。学生通过一张表的不断变换,能够由浅入深地分析解答不同要求的问题,了解从正比例的意义 In order to co