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近几年来,在我们辽宁省朝阳地区,伴随着农村经济体制改革,山林果树联产承包,一部分村民逐渐离开村庄,走向山区,随着时间推移逐渐形成了自然屯.据1995年统计,全市尚有10户以上的无电村屯188个5857户.其中三年内增加的无电村屯133个,平均每年增加44个.这样,形成了这边无电村屯办电,那边无电村屯自然形成的趋势.现全市188个无电村屯通电,共需投资2067万元.但由于无电村屯地处偏远山区,线路架设后,增大了供电半径,配电变压器利用率低,给电网增加了很大线损.我们仅以一无电村屯为例来说明常规办电的结果.建平县榆树林乡前营子村南山洼屯,共有18户村民.从变电所榆树林出口T接,建10kV线路2.5km,低压线路0.8km,安装配变10kVA1台,共投资5.2万元,平均每户通电费用2889元.通电后,18户居民月用电量80kw·h,分户表抄见电量73kw·h,配变损失电量59kw·h,线路损失3kW·h,每月损失共69kw·h, In recent years, in Chaoyang District, Liaoning Province, along with the reform of the rural economic system, mountain forests and fruit trees were contracted for production. Some villagers gradually left their villages and moved to the mountains. Over time, they gradually formed natural villages. According to statistics from 1995, the whole city still There are more than 10 households with 188 villages and 5,857 villages without electricity, of which there are 133 villages without electricity in three years, an average of 44 villages each year. As a result, there is a village with no electricity, and there is no electricity village over there. The natural trend of Tuen Mun is now 188 villages in the city without electricity, a total investment of 20.67 million yuan. However, due to the village is located in remote mountainous villages, after the line is erected, increasing the power supply radius, utilization of distribution transformers is low , Increased the line loss to the power grid. We only use a village without electricity as an example to illustrate the results of the regular operation of electricity. Jianping County, Yulin Village, Qianying Village, Nanshan District, Jianping County, a total of 18 villagers. The entrance of the Shulin Shulin Exit is connected with a 10kV line 2.5km, a low voltage line 0.8km, a distribution transformer 10kVA1, and a total investment of 52,000 yuan. The average electricity cost per household is 2889 yuan. After the electricity is turned on, the monthly electricity consumption of the 18 households is 80kw. h, copy the power meter 73kw · h copying, 59 kw · h transformer power loss, line loss 3kW · h, monthly loss Total 69kw · h,
无锡石油化工总厂1万t/a离子法双酚A生产装置,最近通过了江苏省石化厅组织的技术鉴定。 双酚A是生产环氧树脂和聚碳酸酯的主要原料,随着国民经济的发展,它在制备苯氧树脂、
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以战略为中心的现代企业管理时代对企业管理提出了新的要求,本文对战略观念的体系构成,加强战略管理的迫切性等问题作了论述 The strategy-centered era of modern enterprise