使命召唤 贾森·基德

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上一个赛季还是一支为进军季后赛而苦苦奔命的球队,结果第二年这支球队却摇身一变夺得了东部联盟的冠军,这支球队就是——新泽西网队,而带领网队取得这一成绩的领袖人物就是贾森·基德,他是一个完全可以让一支球队脱胎换骨的全能人才。 然而,一个人的力量是有限的, 这位新泽西网队的主力后卫困膝部伤痛无法出战近日的比赛,结果,这支在总决赛中都表现顽强的球队却在自己的主场以一分之差败给了多伦多猛龙队,让后者尝到了新赛季开始之后首次客场胜利的滋味。加入新泽西网队前两年,贾森·基德总共才缺席过两场比赛.那是上赛季因为腹股沟肌肉拉伤不能打球。现在,在球队战绩不佳、士气低迷的时刻,最应该也最有能力带领网队走出沼泽的领袖贾森·基德却“倒下了”。 在板凳上袖手旁观的贾森·基德很郁闷,也很痛苦。但是,有伤在身的他即使上场也不能有什么作为。前一阵对新奥尔良黄蜂队比赛时,带伤上场的贾森·基德发挥大不如前,明显可以看出他的速度慢了下来,腿脚不利索,脚下的移动缺乏变化,结果那场比赛他只得了6分、7次助攻和9个篮板,媒体开玩笑说:“以前拿‘三双’不稀奇的基德现 The last season was a team that struggled to make the playoffs, but the team was transformed into the Eastern Conference title the following year, the New Jersey Nets, leading the net Jason Kidd, the leader of the team to achieve this result, is an all-around talent that can completely transform a team. However, the strength of a person is limited, the New Jersey Nets defender trapped knee injury can not play in recent games, as a result, this performance in the finals are tenacious team in their own home to one The points lost to the Toronto Raptors, so that the latter tasted the taste of the first road victory after the start of the new season. Jason Kidd missed a total of two games before joining the New Jersey Nets in the last two years and was unable to play last season because of groin muscle strain. Now Jason Kidd, the most and most capable leader to steer the Nets out of the swamp, “collapsed” at a time when teams are underperforming and demoralizing. Jason Kidd, standing idly by on the bench, was depressed and painful. However, there is nothing he can do even if he is injured. Before a while against the New Orleans Hornets game, Injured play Jason Kidd play a big deal, obviously can see that he slowed down, legs unscrupulous, lack of movement at the foot of the change, the result of that game he Only got 6 points, 7 assists and 9 rebounds, the media joked: "In the past to take ’three pairs’ is not surprising Kidd is
《牛约时报》近日转载伐薪社、鹿头社公元2003年3月24日的特别报道: “3月24日电 爱琴海上的古老传说——米诺斯迷宫,于昨日夜间发生令世人惊骇的事件。23日午间,考古学家休
一张精致俊朗的脸庞,一双横扫天下的妙拳。像邻家男孩一样和蔼可亲,如太阳一般光芒万丈——奥斯卡·德拉·霍亚如同一名唯美主义大师,他的比赛是一种艺术的展现。头撞,搂抱,混战,在他的风格里完全被过滤。他的双拳掀起一轮轮美仑美奂的攻势,如行云流水般渗透,带有诗一般的意境,这就是德拉·霍亚作品。每次出场,身价愈千万,观看“金童”德拉霍亚挥拳,就仿佛是观看滚滚美元在拳台舞动。  上世纪九十年代中后期,在惠特克
美林预期随着供需渐趋平衡,2002年半导体营运将渐入佳境下半年每月营收可望开始较前一年同期增长,产能利用率与获利能力也将逐步走好 Merrill Lynch is expected to gradual
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