Being Gay in China

来源 :联合国青年技术培训 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:feifeifo123
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  With the rapid development of LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) movement, homosexuals in many countries like Netherland, Norway, Sweden, Demark, Finland, Iceland, Australia, New Zealand, Argentina, South Africa, the U.S. and Canada have obtained social and civil rights like marriage and adoption as their heterosexual counterparts.
  Following up with a report of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) documented violations of the rights of LGBT people, including hate crime, criminalization of homosexuality, and discrimination, the UNHRC adopted its first resolution on LGBT rights in 2011 and urged all countries to enact laws to protect LGBT rights.
  Although China has a history of being tolerant to homosexuality, the LGBT movement is developing relatively slowly. So far, no civil rights law is in place to protect from discrimination or harassment on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity and LGBT people are still facing social discrimination and pressures from different aspects, including the traditional culture and family.
  Social Pressure to Marry
  and to Reproduce
  The continuation of the family lineage is considered as a very important family duty. As a result, the opposite sex marriage and begetting children become a moral duty and an inescapable obligation to each Chinese. As a Chinese saying goes, "Of all who lack filial piety, the worst is he who has no children”. Under this tradition, homosexuals are definitely under pressure to marry and to produce offsprings. In that sense, it is considered that homosexuality interferes with the bloodline preservation.
  In addition, like in many cultures, the Chinese family structure is based on the heterosexual partnership. Therefore, homosexuality is often regarded as “unusual” and even considered shameful to the family. "Traditional Chinese culture defines a marriage as being between a man and a woman. When two men marry, it is regarded as immoral," Professor Zhang Beichuan (张北川) at Qingdao University said. Therefore, many homosexuals are not willing to disclose their sexual orientation to their parents and feel guilty coming out to their parents. And many parents with homosexual children never speak with anyone, especially other family members, about what puts them in shame.   With the one-child policy, a further pressure is added to Chinese homosexuals as the child becomes the vessel of all of the hopes and dreams of two people. Many homosexual’s parents still hold out hopes that one day their children will marry the opposite sex or pressure their children to marry the opposite sex, because they want to have grandsons and granddaughters. Therefore, it is uncommon to hear questions and comments like “what about marriage?” and “it is just not right to end up with the same sex” in the family.
  Chinese society does not offer a harmonious environment for homosexuals to live freely. Many of them have to conform to the social expectations. As a result, a great number of homosexuals are forced to get married somebody from the opposed sex. " Traditionally, gay men will marry women to hide their sexual orientation, which in many cases brings a lot of pain to the family," said Xiao Tie (小铁), a program director at the Beijing LGBT Center, an organization that provides social services and advocacy programs for local lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities.
  In the end, many homosexuals are living a double life. According to Professor Wei Wei (魏伟), a sociologist from Shanghai’s East China Normal University, as many as 90% of Chinese gays marry the opposite sex, but in western nations very few homosexuals would enter into a heterosexual marriage, as many would remain single or live together or marry other homosexuals.
  These “forced” marriages create a “tong qi phenomenon”. “Tong qi” or “homo wives” means the wife of any gay man. It is a unique social phenomenon, which is hardly found outside of China. Professor Li Yinhe estimated that 16 million women are stuck in fake marriages to gay men. In many cases, “tong qi” are unaware of their partner’s true sexual orientation before getting married. “They have either become a tool for carrying on the family line, or become the protective umbrella to conceal their husbands' identity." Professor Zhang Beichuan explained.   中国社会并没有为同性恋提供一个自由生活的和谐环境。许多同性恋不得不遵从社会期望,他们不得不迫于压力和异性结婚。北京同志中心项目主管小铁说:“一般男同性恋会和女性结婚以此来掩盖他们的性取向,在很多情况下这给家庭带来了极大的痛苦。”
  Many “tongqi” are living in a loveless and sexless marriage. Many feel treated and humiliated after taking many years to discover the true sexual orientation of their partner. Some are even subjected to violence, as some gay men vent their frustrations on their wives due to being unable to live openly with their true sexual identity. "While gay husbands cannot satisfy their wives sexually, some can still be good fathers and care for their families," said Professor Zhang Beichuan. "But to these wives, the hardest thing is mental or emotional abuse rather than physical abuse. Their husbands don't love them, some are even disgusted by any physical contact, and this is the hardest thing for any woman.”
  Even though many tongqi are subject to physical and emotional abuse, they are reluctant to divorce, especially if they have a child. "Even if they’re no longer having sex with their husbands, they’re still attached to the family. If they get divorced, they lose their husband and are risk to loss their child, their money, their house," Professor Zhang Beichuan explained.
  To avoid heterosexual unions, fake-marriage markets flourish in China. Lesbians and gay men get married to hide the fact that they are homosexual. These marriages can be considered as a way to appease their parents and to have children. In response to the need of these marriages, Shanghai’s biggest gay Web site,, has started to hold marriage markets once a month since 2010. Another website like also helps gay men meet lesbian women for matrimonial purposes.
  为了避免异性婚姻假结婚市场在中国大行其道。女同性恋和男同性恋通过结婚来掩盖他们是同性恋的事实。这种婚姻被视为是一种安抚父母、传宗接代的方式。针对这种婚姻需求,上海最大的同性恋网站inlemon.cn自2010年起就举办每月一次的相亲会。另一个网站Chinagayles.com也帮助安排男同性恋和女同性恋以结婚为目的的相亲。   Myths about Gay: Immoral, Mental Illness and HIV
  In addition to the social pressure of marriage, there are a lot of misunderstandings about homosexuality, causing many gay people in China have low self-acceptance of their sexual orientation.
  For years, homosexuality has been dubbed as “immoral and wrong”, so many homosexuals grow up with self-loathing. Professor Li Yinhe conducted a survey in 2007 and found that 70 percent of Chinese people think homosexuality is either "a little" or "completely" wrong, and only 7.5 percent of respondents said they knew a gay person.
  Homosexuality is considered as immoral and wrong because many people considered that it is unnatural and a twisted contemporary social phenomenon. However, in fact, homosexuality can be found frequently in many species like dolphins, and occurs in all societies throughout the history. In China, homosexuality has been documented since ancient times. Scholar Pan Guangdan (潘光旦) said that many emperors in the Han Dynasty had one or more male sex partners. Many were recorded in Memoirs of the Historian (史记) by Sima Qian (司马迁) and the Records of the Han (汉书) by Ban Gu (班固).
  Also, scientific evidence shows that, in many cases, people don't choose their sexual orientations. Homosexuality is caused, at least, in part by genes. Sexual orientation is a combination of genetic, hormonal, and environmental influences, according to Dr. Barbara L. Frankowski. Sexual orientation can be in place possibly even before birth. Therefore, it is in people natures to prefer sexual relations with members of the same sex, members of the opposite sex, or both.
  In the 1990s, homosexuality was considered a mental illness in China. And many people from older generations still associate the homosexuality with a mental illness. However, homosexuality is simply the way a minority of our population expresses human love and sexuality. Study after study has documented about the mental health of gay men and lesbians. All Studies show that gay men and lesbians function as well as heterosexuals in their judgment, stability, reliability, and social and vocational adaptiveness. In fact, homosexuality was removed from the Ministry of Health's list of mental illnesses in China in 2001.   Another myth is that many Chinese tend to associate gay people with HIV/AIDS patients. It is true that MSM (men who have sex with men) have a high risk of HIV acquisition and transmission in China. According to the official statistics released by China’s Ministry of Health in 2011, MSM group were account for one in every three new cases of HIV in China. HIV prevalence amongst MSM was at 6.3%.
  The ministry of health said that risky sexual behavior was the biggest single factor behind the spread of HIV in mainland China and that men who had sex with men were now the group most likely to become infected with the virus due to their high level of unprotected sexual behavior, not because of their sexual orientation.
  In reality, HIV does not discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation. It can infect male or female, heterosexual or homosexual, young or old. Therefore, it is incorrect to portray HIV/AIDs as a "gay plague" or a punishment for homosexual activity.
  另一种说法是,许多中国人往往会把同性恋人群与艾滋病毒及艾滋病(HIV/ AIDS)患者联系起来。在中国,男男性行为人群(MSM)确实容易感染和传播艾滋病病毒。根据中国卫生部在2011年发布的官方统计数据,中国新发的艾滋病病例中,每三个中就有一个来自MSM。男男性接触者的艾滋病病毒感染率是6.3%。
  Lacking Civil Rights Protection Measures
  Since homosexuality was decriminalized in 1997 and removed from the official list of mental disorders in 2001, the Chinese government has adopted “3 nots” policy --- not encouraging, not discouraging and not promoting — toward homosexuality. Therefore, the legislation does not keep up with social developments and no laws have introduced to bar discrimination based on sexual orientation. "Other disadvantaged groups like ethnic minorities, the disabled, and women and children, all have protective legal measures, but there is no clear assistance for gays, " commented Professor Zhang Beichuan.
  Until now, China does not recognize same sex- marriage, civil union or domestic partnership. In many respects, the same legal protections of heterosexual married couples do not extend to their same-sex counterparts. Firstly, Same-sex couples do not have an automatic right of inheritance. Secondly, the partners cannot be defined each other as next-of-kin (近亲). Thirdly, a partner cannot obtain a hukou based on their partner’s place of residence in the way that a heterosexual married couple can. Fourthly, LGBT people can only adopt as a single person, their partner cannot obtain any rights as a co-parent of the child.   Under Chinese Labour Law, no anti-discrimination provision is applicable for LGBT people at work. A survey by Professor Zhang Beichuan of 1,259 homosexuals showed that 8.7 percent were fired or forced to resign after revealing their sexual orientation, and 4.7 percent felt their salary and career advancement were affected. The Labour Law specifically protects workers against discrimination on the basis of a person’s ethnicity, gender or religion. However there are no applicable provisions against discrimination on the basis of sexuality or gender identity.
  Many LGBT’s social gatherings are blocked and interfered by authorities. In 2009, several events of Shanghai Pride were intervened by the Shanghai Industry & Commercial Administration Bureau from taking place. Most of these were stopped on reasons such as not having a license to show a film. In 2010, police shut down the China's first gay pageant an hour before it was set to begin. Many LGBT venues were raided by police. In 2011, police raided Q Bar, a new gay bar on the Bund, in Shanghai, and detained at least 50 people. These incidents demonstrated that LGBT people face serious barriers in trying to meet each other and organize activities for the community.
【摘要】目的:提高患者静脉穿刺成功率。方法:采用随机抽样方法,对920例患者进行调查。结果:患者静脉穿刺成功率为97%,与患者的生理,疾病和心理因素以及护士的心理因素和穿刺技能有关。结论:提高患者静脉穿刺成功率应从提高护士心理素质及加强技术训练入手,同时要针对患者的具体情况,采取相应的对策,提高静脉穿刺成功率。  【关键词】静脉穿刺;成功率;护理对策    静脉输液是护理工作中最基础、最常用的一项
【摘要】目的:探讨新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病的观察与护理方法。方法:回顾性分析40例新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病的临床护理资料。结果:40例患儿中痊愈37例,自动出院2例,死亡1例。结论:积极合理而有效的护理措施是新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病治疗成功的保证。  【关键词】新生儿;缺氧缺血性脑病;观察;护理    新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病(HIE)是指在围产期缺氧窒息,导致脑的缺氧缺血性损害,并在临床上出现一系列脑病的表现,
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