开展“三争三好”活动 提高快速发展能力

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胡锦涛总书记指出:“我们党是执政党,党的各方面建设,最终都应该体现到党的执政能力上来,体现到巩固党的执政地位上来。”加强执政能力建设,提高领导能力和水平,是今后党的建设的突出主题和重要任务。易县是革命老区、山区大县、经济社会欠发达县。发展是执政兴国的第一要务,发展是老区人民的强烈愿望。因此,提高执政能力,关键是提高加快发展的能力。几年来,我们坚持“围绕发展抓党建,抓好党建促发展”的方针,在全县各级班子、领导干部和广大党员中开展了“三争三好”(争创发展型好班子、争当服务型好干部、争做双带型好党员)活动,全面加强了党的建设,促进了全县物质文明、精神文明、政治文明和生态文明协调发展,先后被省委、市委授予“农村基层组织建设先进县”、“实绩突出县”。 General Secretary Hu Jintao pointed out: “Our party is the ruling party and the construction of the party in all aspects should ultimately embody the party’s ability to govern and embody the consolidation of the ruling position of the party.” We must step up the building of the governing capability and the leadership ability and level, It is a prominent theme and an important task for party building in the future. Yixian is the old revolutionary base areas, mountainous counties, less developed economies and counties. Development is the top priority for governing and rejuvenating the country. Development is a strong aspiration of the people in the old areas. Therefore, the key to improving the ability to govern is to enhance its ability to accelerate development. In the past few years, we have adhered to the principle of “focusing on development and building the Party and promoting the party building to promote development”. We have carried out “three strikes and three goodnesses” among all the groups, leading cadres and the majority of Party members in the county Service good cadres, becoming double-band good party members) activities, and comprehensively strengthened the party building and promoted the county’s material civilization, spiritual civilization, political civilization and ecological civilization coordinated development, has been the provincial party committee and municipal government awarded the “grassroots level Advanced county organization construction ”,“ outstanding performance counties. ”
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