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我国古代长期处在宗法式农业经济的社会形态里,史官文化的影响极其深远。这对中国文学的基本性质和发展行程起到了重要的定位作用,以致中国文学从观念到体制都体现了一种独特的民族性。一方面,史官文化以社会政教人伦为本位,崇尚立德保民,它在价值导向上规定了中国文学尤其注重政治教化功能。另一方面,由于史官文化自身的学术包容性,使得中国文学在发展过程中,始终处于文学与非文学因素相互交织的状态,形成了一种独特的杂文学体制。此外,史官文化还促成了中国文学所特有的文学史观的孕育和萌生,即将文学的历史发展与时代政治的兴衰密切联系起来考察,从史的角度追溯文学源流与圣王之道的关系,以确立文学的政治教化统绪。可以说,中国传统的文学、文学观、文学史观和文学体制,无不显现着史官文化理性精神的涵盖。 In ancient China, the ancient society was in the social form of patriarchal agricultural economy for a long time, and the influence of the historian culture was extremely far-reaching. This has played an important role in orientating the basic nature and development of Chinese literature, so that Chinese literature embodies a unique nationality from concept to system. On the one hand, historian culture regards social, political and religious as its standard and promotes morality and protecting the people. It provides value-oriented Chinese literature with a particular emphasis on political enlightenment. On the other hand, due to the academic inclusiveness of the historian culture, Chinese literature has always been in a state of intertwined literary and non-literary factors in the process of its development, and has formed a unique system of essayology. In addition, the history of official culture also contributed to the birth and emergence of Chinese literary unique historical view of literature, that is, the historical development of literature and the rise and fall of the politics of the times closely linked to review, from the historical point of view traces the origins of literature and the way the Holy Kings to establish The political enlightenment of literature. It can be said that China’s traditional literature, literary concepts, literary history and literary system all reflect the historical spirit of cultural rationalism.
如何在新世纪新时期始终保持共产党员的先进性,我的体会是:立足本职,脚踏实地,勤奋工作,争创一流。 在我担任外经处长后,深感责任重大,提出要将外经处建成省计委的一流处室