Effect of elements Ni and Co on morphology and type of IMC at Sn-3Ag-0.5Cu solder joint interface

来源 :Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nwpucoder
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The intermetallic compound (IMC) is hard and brittle,and its forming and growth at soldering joint interface is an important issue in joint reliability.The data obtained by digital optical electronic microscope indicate that the addition of element Co changes the IMC morphology from ball-like and bar-like to distinct and sharp in crest lines and edges.The addition of elements Ni and Co in Sn-3Ag-0.5Cu solder promotes the nucleation and makes the IMC size finer.The electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) determines the chemical compositions and confirms that the IMC is changed into the (Cu,Co,Ni)6Sn5+(Cu,Co,Ni)3Sn4 mixed type from the type of Cu6Sn5 with the elements Ni and Co in the solder. The intermetallic compound (IMC) is hard and brittle, and its forming and growth at soldering joint interface is an important issue in joint reliability. The data obtained by digital optical electronic microscope indicates that the addition of element Co changes the IMC morphology from ball- like and bar-like to distinct and sharp in crest lines and edges. The addition of elements Ni and Co in Sn-3Ag-0.5Cu solder promotes the nucleation and makes the IMC size finer.The electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) determines the chemical compositions and confirms that the IMC is changed into (Cu, Co, Ni) 6Sn5 + (Cu, Co, Ni) 3Sn4 mixed type from the type of Cu6Sn5 with the elements Ni and Co in the solder.
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