
来源 :江西公安专科学校学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:CayleeDak_83
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同意搜查是警察通过得到被搜查者的同意的情况下而进行的搜查。虽然同意的有效性在一定程度上要考察被搜查者同意的自愿性,但同意的有效性并不应该绝对排除强制性要素。自上个世纪六十年代起,美国认定同意搜查的有效性之标准开始从“自愿性”的主观标准向“合理性”的客观标准转化。采用客观性标准来判断同意搜查的有效性,则又需要重点审查警方行为中强制性因素的程度及类型,从而在确保执法利益与防止警方错误行为之间达到一个适度的平衡。 The agreement to search is a search carried out by the police with the consent of the person being searched. Although the validity of consent is to some extent inspected on the voluntary consent of the person being searched, the validity of the consent should not be absolutely excluded from the mandatory element. Since the sixties of last century, the standard that the United States has agreed to verify the validity of searches has begun to shift from the “voluntary” subjective standard to an objective standard of “reasonableness.” The use of objectivity criteria to judge the validity of consent searches also requires a focus on examining the extent and type of coercive factors in police actions and thus achieving a modest balance between ensuring the benefits of law enforcement and preventing police misconduct.
<正> 唐人孔颖达曾说:“风、雅、颂者,《诗》篇之异体;赋、比、兴者,《诗》文之异辞耳。……赋、比、兴是《诗》之所用,风、雅、颂是《诗》之成形。”(《毛诗正义》) 在学习
<正> 蓝牙技术的经历可以说是大起大落,从几年前被炒得风风火火,大有舍我其谁之势,到后来的艰难跋涉。不过,蓝牙技术的低成本、近距离无线连接的优势还是受到了相当一部分用
<正> 据了解,我国去年全年管理软件产品销售已经达到了86.5亿元,与前年相比增长速度超过33%。专家称,未来三年,中国管理软件市场,尤其是ERP 市场将进入更加成熟的发展时期。