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采用溶液培养法研究了铁(0,0.5,1 mmol/L)和锰(0,4,8 mmol/L)复合污染对美洲商陆发芽、胚根伸长抑制率及植株体内铁锰含量的影响。结果表明,不同浓度铁锰处理均抑制种子发芽和胚根伸长,当铁浓度为0.5 mmol/L时,随着锰浓度的升高抑制作用减弱,当铁浓度为1 mmol/L时种子发芽及胚根伸长受到明显抑制,添加锰不能起到缓解作用;铁浓度一定时,随着锰浓度的增加,植株根部铁含量明显下降,当锰浓度一定时,随着铁浓度的升高从根部向地上部转运的锰减少;相关分析和多元回归分析表明,美洲商陆体内各部分铁锰含量与锰处理浓度偏相关程度较高,均达极显著水平,尤以根部含量影响最为显著,其中锰处理浓度与植株内锰含量呈正相关,与铁含量呈负相关;美洲商陆在复合污染处理14 d后锰积累量高于7 d的积累量,且地上部锰积累量大于地下部,说明美洲商陆适宜在一定浓度范围内的铁锰复合污染进行植物修复。 The effects of iron (0,0.5,1 mmol / L) and manganese (0,4,8 mmol / L) combined pollution on the inhibition of sprout and radicle elongation and the contents of Fe and Mn in plants were studied by solution culture method influences. The results showed that iron and manganese treatments inhibited seed germination and radicle elongation. When the concentration of iron was 0.5 mmol / L, the inhibition decreased with the increase of manganese concentration. When the iron concentration was 1 mmol / L, the seeds germinated And the elongation of the radicle were significantly inhibited, adding manganese can not play a relieving role; with a certain iron concentration, with the increase of manganese concentration, the root iron content of plants decreased significantly, when the manganese concentration is certain, with the iron concentration increased The correlation analysis and multivariate regression analysis showed that there was a high degree of correlation between iron and manganese content and manganese concentration in each part of Pseudostellaria microphylla, which reached extremely significant level, especially the effect of root content was the most significant, Among them, the concentration of Mn treatment was positively correlated with the content of Mn in plants and negatively correlated with the content of Fe. The accumulation amount of Manganese in Pokeweed was higher than that in the 7th day after 14 days of compound pollution treatment, It is indicated that Pokeweed is suitable for phytoremediation in the range of concentration of iron-manganese compound pollution.
采用盆栽实验,研究了在模拟酸雨、镍单一或复合污染的红壤中,莴笋的生长和叶片中抗氧化酶活性、活性氧和丙二醛含量的变化。结果表明,单一酸雨污染或酸雨与25 mg/kg镍的复合
研究了黄土高原12种土壤(农地和林地)35 d好气培养过程中可溶性有机氮(SON)含量及其占可溶性全氮(TSN)的比例,以及SON与土壤矿化氮间的关系。结果表明,随着培养过程的进行,不同类型土壤SON的含量均呈明显增加;土壤SON占TSN的比例在培养的前3 d内明显下降,随后这一比例基本保持在24%左右。根据总可溶性氮确定的供试土壤氮素矿化势No平均为45.8 mg/kg,较由矿化的无机氮确定的土