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2008年第37号根据《机电产品进口管理办法》和《重点旧机电产品进口管理办法》,现发布《重点旧机电产品进口目录》。《重点旧机电产品进口目录》(以下简称《目录》)纳入《进口许可证管理货物目录》,《目录》包含12类旧机电产品,总计99个10位海关商品编码,自2008年6月1日起执行。现将有关问题公告如下: No. 37 of 2008. According to the Measures for the Administration of the Import of Electromechanical Products and the Administrative Measures for the Import of Key Old Machinery and Electronic Products, the Catalogue of Imports of Key Used Electromechanical Products is now published. The Import Catalogue of Key Old Machinery and Electronic Products (hereinafter referred to as “Catalogue”) is included in the “Catalogue of Import License Management Goods”. The Catalogue contains 12 types of used mechanical and electrical products, and a total of 99 10-digit customs codes, since June 1, 2008. Starting from the day. The relevant issues are now announced as follows:
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