
来源 :吉林医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:superxiaoqianqia
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Kiss等首先报告在急性心肌梗塞后10~12小时血清肌红蛋白的浓度发生改变。从此之后,其他学者也证实了绝大多数急性心肌梗塞患者在入院后的短时间内,血清肌红蛋白浓度升高。Sylven报告了梗塞症状发作6小时入院的40例患者,发现其症状发作后1小时有20%的患者血清肌红蛋白浓度升高。本文在心肌梗塞症状发作后早期和6小时内每小时采血一次,测定血清肌红蛋白和肌酸激酶。并比较了两者的敏感性和特异性。材料与方法本文分两组研究。第一组:选择疑诊急性心肌梗塞70例病人。这些病人具有典型部位的胸痛,可伴有或无心电图改变。均在4小时内送入流动或医院冠心病监护病房。人院时及在48小时内每2小时抽血一次。应用白动比色法测定血清中肌酸激酶活性,放免法测肌红蛋白浓度。心肌梗塞的诊断标准根据 Kiss et al. First reported a change in serum myoglobin concentrations 10 to 12 hours after acute myocardial infarction. Since then, other scholars have confirmed that the vast majority of patients with acute myocardial infarction within a short period of time after admission, serum myoglobin concentration increased. Sylven reported 40 patients admitted to hospital 6 hours after onset of the infarct and found an elevated serum myoglobin concentration of 20% at 1 hour after the onset of symptoms. This article in the early and 6 hours after the onset of symptoms of myocardial infarction blood sampling once an hour to determine serum myoglobin and creatine kinase. And compared the sensitivity and specificity of the two. Materials and Methods This article is divided into two groups. The first group: Select suspected 70 cases of acute myocardial infarction patients. These patients have chest pain typical of the site, with or without ECG changes. Are within 4 hours into the mobile or hospital coronary care unit. People hospital and within 48 hours every 2 hours a blood draw. The activity of creatine kinase in serum was measured by the method of white-light colorimetry, and the concentration of myoglobin was determined by radioimmunoassay. According to the diagnostic criteria of myocardial infarction
本文分析了以太网应用于测控系统的原因,阐述了基于TCP/IP的嵌入式网络测控系统的实现方法,最后给出了一个具体的实现例子,介绍了网络测控系统具体的实现过程。 This paper